message from the 5th

Anonymous's picture

To all who read my blog on the Galactic Free Press and to all who read the comments section . . . recently, my image and id have appeared under the comments section of certain update/s from the GFP ... some that contain asks for money. To all in the light who understand this, please use complete discernment now. Our work together in the light is real and happening, and for some this is too much. What we have done together as one voice from humanity for a new world is real and right as rain! Please know that in the midst of this light there too is an internal tension on the press. This is normal and process. Stay in complete balance now ... breathe ... and use the discernment we have all been talking about. Vignettes from human angels is beautiful and your voices and our collective work in the purest form of love and light ... stay in that vibration. Thank you human angels. dc

