Message From The Angels And Ann – 25 April 2012

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Message From the Angels Wednesday, April 25, 2012

by Ann
There is a symphony being played in the natural universe that is extraordinary dear ones. All of nature works in cooperation. You too are intended to live this way, guided in each moment, moved by the very force of love that creates you and breathes life into you.

Last week we discussed relationships. This week we continue on our topic, for indeed every relationship upon your planet earth, if you would allow for it, is orchestrated in love. You are guided naturally towards those who will help you learn to love yourselves more. If you are already clear on what you want, kind to yourself, and loving towards others you will gently gravitate to those who uplift your spirit and kindly withdraw your energies from those who do not. You will fall in love with yourself first, the true self, the loving, kind, God created self, and from that sense of fullness, you will have clarity about your "dance" partners here upon the earth. You will see what you call "the red flags" in those relationships that perhaps do not serve you so kindly, and you will give you own knowing more credence than what others may tell you. You will communicate with kindness, knowing you are innocent and worthy of the same.

When you "fall in love" remember, that you "are" already love. You are made of this love. To love another is a natural state of being! To love yourself is also a natural state of being but one that the human race has trained you not to accept. Look at a baby. They are in love with their fingers and toes! They marvel at the sound of their voice and play with it, seeing how magical it can become. They enjoy looking in the mirror for the first time and seeing the wonder of their physical form. Babies have no self criticism, no judgment, no false pretenses. They know they deserve love. They cry out with no apology when they want something and they expect their needs to be met. They welcome those who feel warm and loving and push away from those with whom they do not resonate. You came ito the world this way. You came into the world innocent, filled with a sense of wonder and awe for the magic present in all of creation. You came into the world innocent and pure, knowing exactl y what felt good in any given moment and what did not.

This innocence still resides within you. This purity still resides within you. This knowing about what feels good in any given moment still resides within you. You have to stop doubting yourselves and trust all that you feel, and then you will once again experience the magic and the wonder in the world, as well as in your relationships. A baby might fall in love with someone who picks them up but the minute that person stops paying attention, the baby pushes away, cries for someone else, or crawls away to play. So too you can engage in a dance with life, rather than trying to categorize relationships, or lock them into place with expectations. 

When you truly acknowledge the God given love within you you cannot help but love and appreciate your being. You don't need to justify or defend your desires, you can simply communicate with love. When you truly love yourself, you exist in a natural state of being in which guidance is something that is simply present as a knowing within you. It is not something you have to strive for, but rather something that arises without any thought whatsoever.

Love, dear ones, never hurts. Love is never wrong. Love is never foolish. To love and acknowledge another is truly living in a natural state of God-given grace. To love and acknowledge your own feelings, whatever they may be, is also to live in a natural state of God-given grace.

Only when you stop loving yourselves and expect another to make up for that lack do you hurt. When you love yourselves, even if another does not you know you have choices. You can request changes with love and kindness. You can change yourself, or you can withdraw your energy. You can deal with the reality of another's being and remain in love, or you can fall into wishful thinking and denial and remain in pain. It your choice dear ones. Love always feels better. Love is always right. And Love will always clearly guide you in each moment in the great dance and orchestration of life.




Being love

arun's picture

Thank you for this post. I really did need this explanation.....with so much love !