A message from a close soul to Sananda about ISON

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A message about ISON from a close soul to Sananda

Channeler: Saeko Morishiro (Using a mutidimensoinal language)

Translator: Nana Usami

30 Novermber 2013, translated from Japanese by Taki


Many arguments are heard about ISON. From our point of view, ISON is turning around the Sun watching the Sun itself and the planet earth.


ISON is a mothership far beyond any recognition of the earthly scientists and traverses the space with making them greatly astonish.


Since this mothership ISON is basically a vehicle of light and its shape and colors are changeable at will, scientists are unable to follow its movements.


As is well acknowledged, many spaceships are hovering above the ground and they are visible for those with third eyes opened.


It is transfiguration of human DNA, shift of Gaia, clearing up of environment of Gaia including cleansing of air and water that these spaceships are carrying out to assist humans and cooperate with them. However, we will use various means like feint operations and enchanting operations (lol). This is the limit that we can inform you now.


Although, from your point of view, our activities might have been a little too slow and required much perseverance, the process for ascension is proceeding surely and perfectly.


From now on, further astonishing events will happen, but these are the ones that we preform carefully and boldly taking much care of your spiritual growth as a whole. This is based on the heavenly intention. Rest assured with delight that everything will carried out at perfect timings and we are proceeding at very high speed.


We know how you are eager to know definite dates of event because we have watched you

since long, and we would dare to mention that the astonishing big event would take place “within this year”.


It is the most peaceful when you are along heavenly intention and in its bosom.


Who are you?


Please convey my best regards to your friends saying that I am one of the close souls to Sananda.

I love you so much!