Message to All
My friends,
Your lives have been equated with negative vibrations for 2000 years now.
As an Ascended Master of the Tibetan/Indian school, I AM telling you yours lives will change for the better.
Soon the higher vibrations will be Felt from your souls and your hearts will guide your way.
Times ahead are lifting you up to newer dimensional planes, in which we ourselves, found a home.
Rest, Peace, YOUR way, Love, harmony, enjoyment and happiness is the new freedom which is YOU.
The old way of “feeling” is no longer a “matter”. You will BE, YOUR FEELING, YOUR VIBRATION and YOUR LOVE.
How to heal with energy?
The triangulation of energy is a most useful tool in harnessing oneself against lower (darker) vibrations.
How can this be done?
To triangulate, one must visualize your prana tube and his or hers own chakras at the same time.
Energy flowing from the crown chakra inwards, towards the heart chakra, to the root chakra, is channeled through your prana tube and can be channeled through any chakra.
One can visualize energy coming from the prana tube into the chakra or energy wheel, to send it in a triangle shape outward, through your chakra, from your prana tube, which is your main channel or tube for energy “transport” or flow. Visualize this triangulation taking place, send my three fold colours through this triangle into the chakra!
These colours are: purple, blue and golden.
Now sent it, visualize it, triangulate it, heal your chakras with it.
As a token of my love for you, I am sending three fold colours to you ALL.
Connect to it and receive it.
Sang yu an liu (Your prosperity is peacefully flowing)
Yang yu zi,
Dwal Kuhl