One cannot "figure truth" out....its not knowing anything that we Understand it all. When We Let go of everything we have ever thought, whether we have come to the conclusion if that thought was True or False, only that which is REAL, Love=Truth=God comes back to US, only the REAL.
The Music, this vibrational voice carries with it Vibrations=Energy=Atoms, which ALL of Everything is made of Atoms, which is energy and connects within all Heart Beings. If you are alive you have a Heart. The Heart, is the Connection to the ALL, where we are all ONE.
The Music when Heard from within, sets the Being Free, the Love from within holds all the Truths, all the secrets that man has kept from himself, Love is THE TRUTH and is found WITHIN. Love is setting Humanity FREE.
The Most Brilliant Symphony that has ever been played on this Planet, is Center stage,LOVE=GOD, the Very Center of Creation is playing the Oneness Note. The Call HOME. Its called Truth, from the Voice of TRUTH.
All Truth can NOW do is Gather and Join other Truths. The Principle and foundation of the Attraction Factor, LIGHT AND LOVE ARE ATOMS CONNECTING. The Ethics Train is being carried along the Winds of this Music, Of Love, Of Truth, and the Very Truth of Who God is.
God is TRUTH. Every word written and contained within this MESSAGE to ALL OF HUMANITY, EVERY LETTER "IS" THIS BRILLIANT SYMPHONY IN CREATION, BEING MANIFESTED, THE WORDS SPOKEN OF LOVE AND TRUTH, The Ethics Train, the Very energy we are all made of and the Very Foundation Creation is Built upon, a Foundation that cannot be stopped, its power is of Nothing a Human Being could even attempt to control. For its TRUTH, and THE CORE.
THIS LOVE. THIS TRUTH OF WHO GOD IS=YOU=US=EQUALLY. The Hopi Prophecy is coming true. Gather Yourselves.
Love yourselves and Love each other, WE ARE ALL ONE.
End Transmission IN All Love is Unconditionally! We are So In Love With Humanity
Twin Flames in Service to Humanity, The Truth, Love, and Heaven Consciousness. and With The Highest Love, Thought, and Best Outcome for Humanity and our Planet EARTH=HEART.
Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Love is Go! Love knows this
Love is Go! Love knows this quite naturally and as we know from Jurassic Park "Nature will find a way". The properties of Water... It seeks Its own level. Love and peace Mother-Father God!!
Love Is All
These are important words from the Hopis.
First sentence which impressed me much: 'Gather yourselves now!' In the Family, in the neighbourhood, in the Office, with Friends, at the bus Station, on a Mountain... Everywhere. Second Phrase: 'Dont Look for a leader outside of yourself'. Which means that we have everything in us!!!