~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Truth about Joy and More..

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MAGIC CLOUD - Luas*** -


You can only experience True Joy, By Being Present, and connecting in from within. True Joy is Being the Love you are. This Energy of Love supports the Whole, The ALL, and contributes to Grander and Grander Experiences within Creation. Unless you are Present in the Moment of Now, you never have experienced what it Feels like to be in a Constant state of Happiness. The Experience of The Present Moment of Now is one of Constant Euphoria, Joy, Laughter, A Constant High, A Constant Smile, and Wholeness of Being. This is the Experience of Being Fully Conscious, True Reality, and “The Kingdom of Heaven”. Every Moment is a Constant Awareness of Love Everywhere Present, because this Is the Truth once out of illusion.


To get to the Expereince of The Present Moment Of Now, all the programming has to be released!


The Joy comes when you get to the understanding that you are The Star of Love and you connect into the Oneness. All you came here To Accomplish in this Lifetime was to give yourself “THE LOVE YOU TRULY ARE”, then this Love Automatically begins to Over Flow to others, and through this everything changes. This is why we say Love is Contagious, because it is.. and love changes everything~


~non-humans vs Humans, takers and GIVERS~


You can tell now the differences on the Planet between “non” humans[ those are the ones stuck in the programming] and Real Humans. Non-humans only think of themselves, as if they are the only ones on the Planet, we refer to them as “takers”. Real Humans will Give in the forms of Helping~Helpful, Sharing, Giving, Laughing, Respectful, Honorable, Honest, Kind, Supporting Love, Generous, Team oriented, Cooperative, Responds To Love ,instead of reacts [the program always reacts to Love] and When you Look into the Real Humans Eyes, You See a Light.


In Truth the Takers will no longer be able to exist in the New Energy, and they, the non humans, are now being escorted off the Planet. This is the Reality. In The Kingdom of Heaven all we Have are “Givers”. Creation~ Love is not a taker. Love is A “Giver”, A Constant Overflowing, Abundant Energy of Source, that is unending, and unlimited. It is impossible for Creation to take, only a program could be capable of that.We of “The Galactic Federation of Light”, know Exactly Which ones of you are Givers and have Chosen to Be the Love you are.


Love is Here, Love Has Shown Up…Therefore the “Divine Decree” is “LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT, AND THE MANIFESTATION OF ‘THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN’ ON PLANET EARTH=HEART”, So It is On Earth Now, as It is In Heaven, So it is, and So it Shall Be as Decreed. The Return of the Garden of Eden. With the “world” as you know it changed Forever, no more world, She is a Living Planet. Mother Earth has received her Decree for the Transformation and Destiny as the Center of The StarSeed Nation, and so it is.






The “Third Language”/Telepathy pg 62 out of the Book “Kyron” Channeled through Lee Carrol, along with our interpretation of Current Events. “The Third Language is the New Energy that is Pouring into the Planet Earth=Heart. It is an unseen Broadcast System [also referred to as the Higher Grid] Which is Sending Messages to you Via your Higher Selves. Your Higher Self is your Angelic, Divine part of You, That is Always Present In the Moment of Now. So Now, Currently Each of you [whether aware or unaware] are receiving “The Announcement”/ which is Being Broadcast to you [not through any TV sets], but through the Higher Grid. This Broadcast is sending each of you a tremendous amount of Pure Love energy, an invisible energy, which carries with it personal and Spiritual Information. This is Love Source energy, which you are receiving ALL AT ONCE, TO YOU VIA YOUR HIGHER SELVES, AND EACH OF YOU ON THIS PLANET HAS A HIGHERSELF.


The Information in our Messages comes to you, Via this Broadcast System, because we are completely connected into the Higher Grid. Our Information comes to You in Universal Codes that only the Internal Being can Truly see or comprehend.




~ Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies









On the Auspicius Day of Saturday August 4th, We will Be Hosting Our Weekly Love Party! This happens to fall on the Same day many sources have shared as well as we have confirmed as the Divine Deadline. All things are Possible! NO Matter What Love Has Won and All Events are Inevitable~ JOIN US LIVE and Bring Your Family and Friends!

Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific


