A Message from The Earth Allies~ We are In the Greatest Moment's in Earth's History

Lia's picture

We are In the Greatest Moment's in Earth's History and You have front row seats~


Photo by biancastingl.com


~Greetings Love Beings~ We are In Some Intersting Spiriling energies as We are Moving very quickly towards our destiny. Those who do not know what is happening on the Planet are simply missing it. Those who are battling ego's and not trusting the Truth and Love through judgement are just missing it. Those of you who have Awakened Into Love are Now Joining the Unity Movement through Complete Participation in the Oneness Energy. Yeehaw~


Red Dragon on the Sun, Reflection of the Love=The Oneness Energy Moving across the Planet ~ Photo Courtesy of the Sun~ Thank You We Love You!


The Oneness Energy is the most powerful energy that is making its way contagiously across the Planet. There was even a mention that the current side of the sun Looks like a dragon swirling around it. This intense Light, has not been allowed to Be present for at least the last 13,000 Years. Look at us NOW, Humanity is moving at lightning speed from out of the illusion and into Reality. WOW!


~Here is Looking at You~ Photo by badangel


  Atlantis and Lemuria were the closest moments when this energy was Present. We are moving into even Grander energy then was present during those moments on this Planet. We are Moving this Planet right now into Complete Balanced Harmonics. Where Love is the Law, True Family on One Planet Living in True Equality and the True Experience of Joy in every moment is all that exists.


Each Moment Now, we are making great strides towards our Goals. As Your Earth Allies we are working harder then ever to bring in the much needed changes and relief for what has occurred here in ignorance. We are very close now to finalizing all these last details. We will have more to report as we continue through these remaining days of May and Through this Last Portal for The Liberation for Humanity. 


Thank you for Joining us May 25th


Love is Here to Open Humanity's Hearts and this event is unstoppable, as Love is Humanity. It does not even matter what is occurring in the illusion of the world. Most of you are bored of that anyway. Love has come in to capture Humanity into Love and Truth. We are in the Greatest Events in Earth's History and if you are reading these message's, you are indeed not missing this. In fact you have front row seats. Truth is opening the doors to Reality where Humanity will Live in Peace, Joy, and Happiness forever and Eternity.


We are Happy to report we are observing many putting the pieces together and having "AHAA" Moments. These are the True Miracles unfolding on the Planet. Finally, People are awakening, as they are realizing Love is Real, and the craziness of the illusion is just simply getting crazier. AS The Light Increases exponentially be aware that this puts increase pressure on those clinging to the old energy. The ego's simply cannot be on this Planet any longer and either they must release it now.



We Highly recommend in these Incoming intense energies to take a minute each day and put your Complete Focus on Love Only.


~ Thank You for Spreading the Message to others~and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned IN~


~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


We Love You Unconditionally~ Love The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, and First Contact Ground Crew Team.


~Help Keep the Press Going~ Share if You can!!~

We are Honored to Be of Service~

When You share with us=Love, you are actually investing in Humanity's Future~ Way to Go Humanity~


Total Love shares for May 1356.77$

Total Costs for Team and Site 3000$

We are Over 1600$ from Our Goal and

WE Have 10 days to Make this Goal, Thank you for sharing if You Can!


We are working 24~7. NO KIDDEN'!! WE are Here to Give You Everything.. Thank you for SHARING. Its Our Honor to Be of Service, Help Us Continue to Help You and All of Humanity~

~WE are Going Home~



~We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra

WE are Here~ Its US and Your Stuck With US!!~

