Message from the Earth Allies: Who's hiding from the ego

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Message from the Earth Allies: Who's hiding from the ego?



Who's hiding from the ego?

The ego.


And it could finish here... thus we'll deepen the reason why.

 Only ego can be bothered by being unmasked.

Love says "Thank YOU! Finally it's been seen that it's not Me!"




Ego answeres "No, that's not true, I have no ego".


Unmasking it should be the most joyful event of One's awakening, as each time it's seen, unmasked, aknowledged... it's dissolved. And Love=Truth can finally Be. 

As It Is.


The reason why we keep talking about this issue is that for many... it still is an issue, though in Truth, it's not.

That's what's wonderful about unmasking it... you're Free to find out it was Nothing. And into Nothing it goes back.


PUFF... gone!


And then You, the True You, is Free.

Free and naked and finally Free to dance in Joy.

No more worries, no more issues, no more mind cages, simply You.



And You=Love.

And Love=God.

And God=You.


And you're Free to merge with your Higher Self, as it's not able to merge with You as long as you prefer to keep that space for an illusion.


Why is the ego so afraid of being unmasked?

Cause it does not want to go back into nothing.

Ego knows that when it's unmasked it will dissolve.



That's why it holds on so heavily, and why it uses all it knows about you to use it against you. 

It knows all your doubts cause it made up your doubts.

It knows your weakness as it made up your weakness.

It knows all of your troubles as it made all your troubles.

Ego, is the only enemy you have.

It's not outside.

It's inside.

It leaves and is fed by the mind/program.


And in the meantime, the Heart feels like starving.

Cause you cannot feed both.



Can we say we love your ego?


Cause we cannot love what cannot love.

It's impossible to love what does not exist.

And ego does not exist.

It's an illusion.

We cannot love an illusion.



We Love You.


As we know You.

As we Know Love.

And You Are Love.

Break Free and Fall in Love!


Asking us to love your ego would be asking us to love your doubts, troubles, worries, illusions.

We can only Love What You Are=Love, as we know how precious You Are.


Telling you that you're BEing yourself  while you're acting your ego would mean we'd love your ego and would try to preserve it. Is that Love? It's not. It's going on into Nothing and telling nothing it's something.

It would mean we believe your ego is Real and Love is not. 

We cannot be afraid of hurting You when we tell you that you're led by your ego, as we know we cannot hurt Love.

Thus we cannot hurt You.

It is Impossible.


You cannot be hurt.

You cannot suffer.

You are Joy.

You Are a beating Heart and Soul.

We'll never see you as less than this.

Ego will.

That's why we keep bringing up this issue.

Cause we Know the Real You.

Cause we Love You.

Cause Hu-manity has been in cages for so long that our biggest wish is to help every=One Be Free=Real.



Ego believes it's drawning in a glass of water, we Know there's no glass at all. 

You're the Sea.

A Sea of Love.


All our Love, your Earth Allies


