Dear ones, we come to you today with a message of joy and hope, of love and light, and the promise of a new year for you and your people. Today marks the first day of your new year, a year that will see many changes for your civilization. We would like to say that these changes will be smooth, transitionally speaking, but we must be honest with you at all times and tell you these changes may be abrupt and very tumultuous to many of your world. If you look at it from the viewpoint of the yet un-awakened, you may see these changes from a new perspective. One day these souls believe they exist within a world where their governments protect them from all harm, look after all of their medical needs, safeguard their economy for them, even tell them how to behave and how to think.
The next day the government structure they have grown so attached to is gone, replaced by a structure of many men and women they may not know of and they did not vote for. These un-awakened souls will be told, and perhaps hear these words for the first time, that they have been lied to about almost everything they have come to believe as their one true reality. These souls will have to question everything they have come to understand, and be forced to see their world and universe in an entirely new light. For a soul to learn for the first time that their race is not alone in the universe may seem an easy lesson to some, but to others this kind of information is ground shattering. Try to be there for those souls who find it difficult to deal with this kind of revelation. This is your task, one of many, but if you did not think you could do it and there were not those of us who felt you were capable of this assignment, you would not be where you are today reading these words.
We, the Galactic Federation, are prepared to make our move. We have our people in position and are only awaiting the signal from all involved that they are ready to move forward with the first implementation of the overall plan. This plan includes the replacement of all your government officials who have clearly demonstrated they are service to self individuals who cannot be trusted in any position of authority in your world. Then we will begin disclosure announcements declaring our presence in your atmospheres surrounding your planet, followed quickly by our landings and open contact with you, the people of Earth, throughout your media and even in person in your cities and towns.
Many of your media who today engage in propaganda and cover-ups do so under threat and pressure from the cabal and their agents. With the removal of the cabal and many of their minions, those souls of your media who are of integrity will finally be free to do what their positions require them to do; report to you the truth of your world and others as well. This day will be a most joyous one for you. Can you imagine your excitement upon turning on the television and instead of incessant propaganda and mind control programming you see your brothers and sisters alike sharing with you in-depth information rarely ever discussed through your media?
We have much to say as well and will often make presentations to you and your families. Many areas of new knowledge must be shared with you before the last days of 2012 close out and humanity gears itself for ascension into the higher realms. Use your last days of duality wisely. Look back and review the many events of your lives. Many were planned meticulously by you and your Star Families for you to learn and to grow from. Do not let these great efforts go to waste. Be there for your brothers and sisters who need your advice and calming influence during the rough seas of changing tide ahead. This is one of your tasks. You have proven a master at this. This is why you are here, and this is why you are reading these words. This is how we at this time are communicating with much of our ground crew, and we are so pleased at the incredible job so many of you are doing spreading the knowledge of our presence and honorable intentions.
Events are set to commence. Prepare yourselves and your families, friends, and strangers alike for a bit of unsettlement as the old makes way for the new. Some areas of this change will be smooth and some areas rough. This is the way it must be. We are also masters at what we do. Together we will make it work. Together we will succeed in restoring this world to its rightful owners, you, the citizens of your planet. What you have waiting before you is nothing shy of miraculous, and will make all of your hardships worth every second of them. Hold on tight. Remain ever grounded. Your day is rapidly approaching.
We are your Family of Light from the stars.
As channeled through Greg Giles