~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Zach~
~A Message of Hope~Know all is Being Accomplished and Done~
I intend to give more posts in the days to come because I feel I have much to say and there are many open ears and hearts that will listen. I don’t yet know my role in this plan that is unfolding but I feel in my heart of hearts as I’ve never felt before that this will be our reality. The frustration felt is only natural, there have been promises made and broken and while we grow frustrated with the lack of specifics, it would only further alienate us when you forget sometimes that this is not as simple as running a state or nation. This is a global effort.
While ALL of us wish we could have more of a hand in it for more tangible evidence to satisfy ourselves, it is important to remember that tangibility is our very existence and we have seen that there is much more to it. So while for now you may find it hard to see the work thats done behind the scenes please remember it is being done. If you feel hope in your heart as days go by as I do; with a renewed energy and vigor mixed with child-like wonder at the possibilities and bright future ahead of us; that is your higher consciousness telling you “Hold strong, we are overcoming.” There are only 12 months in a year and we are but beginning the first.
In a realistic standpoint; the certainty that these messages bring us with each new day cannot fail. For, to say that you have been decreed by Heaven; by the Creator Himself that his Will be done by the end of this year; there is not enough PR in the world to recover from not only failing God, but if we are as important as they say; failing us.
A failure for our aspirations and time spent in waiting and hope will not only lead us to a loss of faith in any higher beings who then seemingly have less power than we do, but faith in God that even with his great power; He Himself could not make His Will be done.
We should know in our hearts that this simply cannot be true. The Federation are ready to implement their plan. They have those positioned who cannot only help stabilize what is left of this world economy; but to remove those who only plunge it further into chaos.
You are seeing with each passing day and each new wonderful message that those in power are going into more desperate measures. They know their time runs short. We should rejoice that they are panicking, it is our TANGIBLE evidence that this plan has reached fruition. We no longer speak in terms of years of waiting nor months in excess. We speak of days and weeks of patience as there is much to be done. I like many of you would like to turn on the news tomorrow and see justice, divinity and our Angels before us.
And soon, it shall be.
As I’ve said, before a few months ago, I had never once felt a connection to a spiritual power. I believed, but did not feel. I had cut myself off from the One who helped breathe life into me. And He knows as we all know; we are struggling; we need his love and help. He has sent his angels and even they must abide by rules, even though they do not wish it.
Remember they gave up what is so precious to us, so they could help create a path for a better future.And we are to join them in this! I can think of no greater sacrifice other than by Christ Himself.
It is easy in times of uncertainty to lose sight of the end when it has always seemed so far away..But it can no longer escape us. The multitude that the beings of light have done for us while kept under wraps, has been on a massive scale.
Their presence in our skies increases with each passing day, it us much easier for those who are not awakened to cope and accept with such an awesome power and a true manifestation of Gods will.
Stay in the Light! Hold fast to hope. Our dawn IS coming.
Blessings Dear Zach...
Wonderful Heart of Yours has spoken...
This is Your Way... This is Our way... THis is God's way...
This is a way of remebering who we truly are...
Thank you for remembering You... and Me... and US...
Love you, dear Brother Zach...
Yes, we must have faith and
Yes, we must have faith and confidence that all is working for the good behind the scenes and remember that we can be fully informed for the sake of the dark discovering the plans. If we have faith and trust in God that all is well and going according to plan that is all we need to know and the little that we do hear is quite a lot, enough really to let us know we are on the right track. The Press is three for three so far today in my readings. All positive and fullfilling rather than spreading messages of fear. I hope you continue that in the future for that is how we will strengthen the light and diminish the dark and their schemes. By the way, I like your new picture! Now you don't look so scary or frightening and will possibly earn a lot more repect from those who doubt your messages or rather judge a book by it's cover and never open up to see what's inside:) Sorry about that but it's still the way of the many of whom we are trying to get to on our side to help spread the light.