~Galactic Love Reporter Bob Greenwalt~
I am Jesus of Nazareth. It is such a great joy for me to be here today to deliver this message to my beloved.
There are many things happening on the planet earth right now. Many changes are in the works. Right now is a time of cleansing on the planet earth. This is a process that must happen. You are all seeing this cleansing coming about in your financial systems, in your politics, and in the world around you. Many of you are looking upon these times as very challenging and very disturbing. In reality, the times that you are going through right now are filled with great opportunities, great potentials. You are all being asked to answer the question, do you choose to be love or do you choose not to be love? The changes that you see coming about will happen.The movement from judgment consciousness to compassion consciousness is already happening. Many of you would like to see this happen more quickly than it actually is but remember patience and tolerance, these will lead you to happiness.
Gaia is in the process of leaving the planet earth. It is time now for human beings to take responsibility for their planet. This will not happen over night but over a period of moments measured in your earth time. You will see changes occurring in your planet as Gaia releases her energy. She has lovingly taken care of human beings for thousands and thousands of years and it is now time for human beings to take care of their own planet. Many of the old energies are being released as I speak to you right now. The old energies of greed, fear, anger, and hatred are being released. This is making way for the New Energy, the energy of love, the great energy of your Mother and Father God.
I have told you before that the winds of change are blowing ever so gently upon the planet earth. Those winds are becoming stronger now and change is occurring at a greater pace. Many human beings are clearly seeing the great paradoxes they have created on the planet earth and within their belief systems. They are clearly seeing that many of their leaders, politically and religiously have not had the purpose of the betterment of all. Their intention has not been proper.
In order to work within the New Energy upon the New Earth intention plays a very important role. In reality intention has always played a very important role but it will become more so now for if your intention is not proper people will see it much more quickly. No longer will those who wish to control people be able to do so because their intention will become very transparent.
There are so many human beings who are beginning to follow their greater intelligence of their heart. Those who do not follow the greater intelligence of their heart in the New Earth energy will have a very difficult time. This is why it is so very important for all of humanity to align the intelligence of their mind with the greater intelligence of their heart. The intelligence of your heart has always been your greater intelligence. All of the knowledge you have gained throughout eternity is within the greater intelligence of your heart. No longer do you have to experience through pain and suffering, those days are over. If you believe you can experience through peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and love this will come about. All you simply have to do is believe. I and this channel have told you many times the key to everything during this lifetime is to simply be the love that you are. There is no greater truth than this!!!
In the days, months ahead all will see these great changes that are coming about. There will be changing [dissolving] of all belief systems, there will be changes in politics, there will changes in all of humanity, and these changes are what will bring about what you call heaven on earth. There will be many great changes in your technologies both medically and energetically that will bring about great opportunities for many. There will be more people helping other people. There will be a greater care for all of Mother and Father God's creations and this is truly what makes human beings happy.
So many human beings place such a great value upon money in the physical dimension. In reality, money has no value at all unless it is used for the betterment of yourself and the betterment of others. This is the only time that money has any value. More and more human beings will see this truth as time moves forward. So I ask you to look forward to these days, and months ahead because great changes are coming about on the planet earth. These are the changes that you have asked for and these are the changes that you shall receive. So look forward to these changes, do not fear these changes, simply love these changes, and simply be who you are.
Life is really very simple and you will see this when you are the love that you are. Love is the greatest energy in the universe, and in the multiverse and the energy of love brings forth great creation. Be the love that you are, be the creator that you are, and be the human beings that you are. It is time to release the past, live right now, and create your true wishes and desires.
It is with great love, great honor, and great respect that I deliver this message to you my beloved. I am Jesus of Nazereth.