Message From Lord Devin Aboard The Flagship Pelegai
Last night, during meditation, I was delighted to be visited by a member of my Starseed family, Lord Devin (one of the last remaining Lyrans (Felines) of pure descent). I have had many previous encounters with him on numerous occasions and have even had the privilege of being able to board the Lion People’s starship, Pelegai, quite a few times during my current lifespan. According to Jalaila Starr’s experiences on Pelegai, here is her personal overview which is very similiar to mine:-
‘Pelegai is the last of the remaining original flagships of the Galactic Federation Council from Lyra. It was built during the time of the First Grand Experiment on the planet Avyon, the First Earth in the Vega Star system of the Lyra Constellation. Pelegai is the forerunner and higher dimensional version of Nibiru.
Pelegai was one of the few ships that survived the First Great Galactic War which destroyed the planet Avyon as well as the colonies on neighboring planets in the Vega star sytem of Lyra where the humans had migrated. Those who survived the war were taken to Sirius B aboard the remaining ships still operable.
As with Nibiru, Pelegai is like a very bright eight pointed star. Its symbol is a winged horse flying through a triangle surrounded by a circle. This symbol represents Pelegai’s level of access to all stargates up through and including the 9th dimension of our universe. Only civilizations that have achieved a great degree of integration are given this level of access to the dimensional stargates by the Founders.
The symbol above is worn on the uniforms of those who live and work aboard this starship.’
Lord Devin, (or Devin as he’s preferred to be called) and I, enjoyed a loving, warm exchange with each other. When we meet, I always feel his energy as that of a wise, gentle and affectionate grandfather figure. His persona to me is one of a ‘white’ lion. White Lions, are recognized as nobility and held in high esteemed distinction and achieve the utmost respect in the Lyran culture. All lion people, start out a tawny or golden color, as they age, some go completely white. This indicates that they have come into full knowledge and achieved the maturity of divine wisdom.
I perceive Devin as very tall and big in stature and considering his age, still rather muscular and physically fit. He has particularly long, unruly shock of white hair, which cascades down past his shoulders and he also sports a long white beard (a bit like a hybrid between an Einstein/ Gandalf character). Devin’s eyes are a piercing vivid and shimmering blue, quite unlike human blue eyes you see here on this earth, they seem to pierce your body and peer right into your very soul. Lyrans consider it very good manners to avert their gaze when addressing humans because we find looking at them directly in the eyes rather unsettling and overwhelming. He wears long flowing white robes with a purple (a color particularly favored by the Lyran species) cloak or over shawl. Around his waist, is adorned a gold girdle enhanced by a jewel studded insignia of the United Council of Light (UCOL). He carries a shimmering metallic staff or rod, on top and set within, what appears to be a lotus flower made of some precious metal, is the largest and most magnificent diamond crystal I have ever seen. It continually dazzles and shimmers, reflecting amazing colored light fragments. This may sound really strange and I find this rather peculiar, but I see him wearing some kind of large round spectacles. Devin reads a lot he assures me, that is why he needs to wear them – not because of how old he is lol. Lions can be very vain – ‘nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance’ he interjects.
He’s rather an eccentric character. I liken him to a weird professor of sorts. However, he’s extremely intelligent, wise, creative and has a wry sense of humor – very quick witted indeed, he tells really good ‘dad’ jokes but with a double entendre. Also, he has an answer for everything, in a round-about manner. Devin is a stickler for etiquette and pays acute attention to detail and is quite methodical in his methods. He likes and prefers to tell you parables, or gives you an analogy if he’s attempting to get a point across or answering one of your questions. Lyrans know every cliché under the sun – some I’ve never even heard of before. Then again, he can be quite blunt and rather stern if he feels you have broached protocol, or behaved inappropriately in any way. He will instantly draw your attention to your contravention in a caring, nurturing but a ‘no nonsense’ manner. A bit like a devoted father, that is trying to guide and direct one of his children, like teaching them how to ride a bike or drive a vehicle. Lyrans have an extreme amount of patience but can get cross when you are being deliberately foolish or belligerent in any way. Ah – he interrupts me again, ‘Good manners and consideration for others will open more hidden doors for you than being blatantly rude’
Still, he’s really rather charming, and has a wonderful magnetic, tender charisma and innate appeal. When he starts telling one of his stories – you just can’t help but feel inclined to climb onto his knee, snuggle in and listen intently, like a completely entranced child being told wonderful and fascinating ancient tales and fables. Additionally, he loves nothing better than to ‘entertain’ guests. They love to play all sorts of games and don’t mind showing off their prowess and intellect, what they like most is to laugh, you can always tell a Lyran by the way the laugh loudly, it’s definately something between a roar and a purr. It’s quite amusing to hear and is quite infectious. Lyrans are an incredibly hospitable race, what’s theirs is yours, they have an uncanny knack of making you feel very welcome and at home – that’s because you are.
I asked him whether he had a message to impart to you all. This is what he had to say:-
Ha-ha!!! Visitors – hello, hello, greetings to you all, my most dearest of family and friends,
Welcome, welcome. Please make yourself comfortable in my presence as I’m certainly very familiar with your delightful company. I promise we won’t bite (chuckles). Matter of fact, why don’t we just give each other a great big hug. Come on, we may look fierce to you but looks can be deceiving, our hearts are as big as the universe. There – that’s better, now sit down and relax, sit, sit. I have much news to tell you.
First, allow me to cordially introduce myself. I’m Lord Devin (pronounced similar to Devaine in your language). I’m currently HOS (Head of State) which is related to the Feline House of Avyon (there is really no possible way to translate this name correctly into your language, but it sounds quite like the word I have given you). I’m a very old and a battle weary lion, you probably would refer to me as being particularly ancient by your standards. I’m so old in fact, that at times I get very tired and like most elderly lions, I like nothing better than to doze lazily away in the ease of a big, soft chair with lots of cushions. To do such things is a privilege of one who has aged haha.
As my child, Ametria (this is her given Lyran star name) has provided you with some background into my temperament and description, I sincerely hope that you feel more acquainted with me. I will try not to go into too much detail with this first exchange, as I have a predisposition to do so. Now, let’s get down to the fundamentals shall we?
Basically, our Lyran feline ancestry and history is an extensive and protracted one. Our race, were instrumental in creating various humanoid populaces throughout our galaxy and numerous astral systems. Initially, we answered the call of The Founders (The Council of Twelve), who wished to conduct an inimitable and unique experiment that was regarded as a precedent in universal creation and evolution. Out of 44,000 galactic races who applied, only 90 individuals were selected. 45 were of the Lyran (feline) species and the other 45 were of the Carion (bird) species. Both races were regarded as master geneticists and DNA engineers at that time. Each had to create a specific race of polarity to integrate and assimilate and ultimately ascend within a global observatory within the designated constellation of Lyra.
Consequently, the Carion developed the Draconian (reptilian) humanoid genus, regarded as the dark ones and the Feline variety went on to generate a bipedal feline humanoid race of the light. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out so well for us. After many millions of years of trying to integrate the polarities and due to a complete misunderstanding between both species, the Draconians (who thrived in duality), launched an all out military assault on my home planet of Avyon (the Dracs – as we call them, will probably tell you it was us, the Lyrans who were the antagonists in this instance hehe). I guess it takes two to tango. This was the initial instigation of the ‘Great Galactic Wars’ between the Dracs and Felines, that ensued shortly afterwards and lasted for millions of your years.
Ultimately, the Dracs decimated and destroyed many of the Feline home lands and many our race fled as refugees to other star systems like the Pleiades and Sirius, my father Shimbayla was killed during this altercation. Those Felines that remained to fight (like my father) were either slain or enslaved by the Draconian Empire. We felines call that the 1st Earth – it may appear to you that we failed. Not so – there were many crucial lessons that we learnt through our folly.
Once we reached the Pleiades and the Sirius star systems, the Felines went about generating a new, more refined humanoid population. During the evolution process, regarding this particular star nation, we were indeed astounded and fulfilled as we observed the Ascension of the Pleiadian’s, a wonderful accomplishment – the Pleides is referred to as the 2nd Earth. In Sirius A system we formed a great alliance with the Crystal (Christos Beings), a very benevolent and loving species. Both races eventually intermingled and further evolved into higher dimensional realms, finally achieving a 12th dimensional status, it was during this time, that ‘The Founders’ wished to conduct a further experiment, not unlike the previous one conducted in the Lyran constellation. However, there would be a few changes to the conditions.
First, all the various 44,000 star nations would all be involved, so a council had to be formed – hence the original municipal shape was the Galactic Federation of Light. The Felines and Draconians could only join this Federation on the proviso that we could manage to negotiate a truce between the still warring factions. Through much mediation and consultation between delegations, we eventually achieved an uneasy alliance between us. Each star nation, nominated a number of principle representatives to be members of the Federation. Well you can only imagine all the tussling and flux that was incurred during the many heated sessions that unfolded. Each nation (both dark & light) vying for top spot – heehee does this kind of interaction sound familiar to you?
Meanwhile, whilst we were all at loggerheads, the sneaky Draconians – basically threw their hands in the air in a temper and stormed out on the delegation. They had an ulterior motive – they would inhabit the 3rd Earth (your planet) first. So approximately 4.5 million years ago, they came here to populate the planet, in an attempt to achieve a complete advantage over the other star nations. What scoundrels they are – the Federation delegates were outraged at this violation.
By the time the Federation came to an accord of sorts, it was too late, the Draconians had successfully created a slave race, and were desecrating and excavating your earth for valuable minerals, particularly gold – I’m sorry to say, this is part of your history, up until approximately 16,000 of your years ago.
In the duration, the Federation was still bickering amongst themselves over the serious dynamics of the situation on your planet, should they intervene, should they not? It was decided that the Lyran/Christos beings from Sirius, would intercede on the Federations behalf, as we were familiar and well acquainted with the Draconian modus operandi and their tactical strategies. Our purpose was to inhabit a particular area of your planet and create another species of empowered and spiritually evolved humanoids that would eventually usurp the slave population of the Draconian imperialists.
Thus the great ancient, highly civilized and cultured metropolises of the Christos cities were constructed, known to you as Atlantis and Lemuria. Well, you can only guess as to the demise of these once wonderful and glorious societies. The fact of the matter is – another violent war began with the Draconians who instituted a highly sophisticated arsenal of weapons against us, inflicting complete devastation and destruction. Again we fled, some to inner earth, others back to their star homes. Once more, the Federation was absolutely livid regarding the Dracs behavior. Against our vain pleas to spare many of our kin who still survived on earth, it was decided that the planet would be purged of the Draconian offenders once and for all. The Lyran/Christos beings and many of their allies, including the Pleiadians, Andromedians, Siriuns and other humanoid races, were completely opposed to this idea. To completely destroy another species was entirely against the Laws of the Universe. The Federation referred to it as ‘culling’. As far as some overbearing Federation members were concerned, the Dracs had to be curtailed and taught a lesson. To our utter dismay, they flooded the planet.
After this event, many felt disillusioned by the Federations actions and the allegiance began to fracture. A new civic alliance was formed by what you refer to as the benevolent extra terrestrials – The United Council of Light (UCOL), other stellar nations formed their own councils and authorities, such as Ashtar Command and the Niburian Council. All the new councils are directly affiliated with one another. Therefore, leaving the Galactic Federation depleted and with little influence. All the above councils and commands have one specific agenda, which differs greatly from the GFOL, we strictly adhere to and abide by the Laws of the Universe, regarding preservation of all life and free will. We will not and cannot intervene, on behalf of humanity as to avoid any further conflict of interest with the Dracs. Most importantly, the only way we will defeat the Dracs is through non aggressive infiltration, as to agitate the Dracs further, would only create more catastrophes in relation to the planet and its already traumatized and innocent inhabitants. We will have direct contact with all of you after this ascension process is finalised.
So now, this is where you brave and courageous Starseeds enter the big picture. All of you volunteered to incarnate here at this critical point in this planets evolutionary phase. Each of you has a divine ‘blueprint’ hidden within your DNA, which will be activated at some time during your current lifespan. Many of you have had numerous lives on this planet disguised as a Drac Humanoid. Such is your pure intent and devotion to your divine mission. To awake, enlighten and empower mankind is your primary purpose. Show them that there is a better way regardless, all life in all its forms and identities are sacred and created with love and answerable to all life’s universal source – our divine Creator – even us. Please don’t worry – there is a massive surge in Starseed entities entering your planet as we speak. These are the reinforcements that you so desperately need at this moment in your time. They will awaken quite soon, a lot sooner than many of you did and will seek you out. You will know them when you encounter them.
Meanwhile, do try and enjoy your time on earth precious souls – and remember this is only a game, so don’t forget to have some fun. There are no endings, just new beginnings. We are all eternal beings of infinite light and love who are loved and cherished beyond our own comprehension and expectations.
O dear, I do apologize to you all – I enjoy so much conveying my history, I’ve probably taken up too much of your time. Please excuse me, until later my good and great children. We are here always to protect, guard and guide you – just reach out, we are not that far away.
Lord Devin aboard Flagship Pelegai
Head of State for the Royal House of Avyon
Lyran Federation delegate (UCOL, NCL, AC)
Channelled by: Ametria aka Donna Huckstep via email to