DEAR FRİENDS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD... IN TURKEY, PEOPLE FROM EVERY CİTİES ARE ON THE STREETS; MİLLİONS - MİLLİONS OF PEOPLE.. AS THİS MOVEMENT BEGAN AS A PEACEFUL RESİSTANCE; PEOPLE ARE WİTHOUT HARMFUL TOOLS OR DO NOT DESTROY ANY PUBLİC PLACES AS WELL... THEY JUST GATHER, UNİTE, RESİST AND SPREAD THEİR VOİCES TOGETHER; SİNCE THERE İS REALLY AN UNBELİEVABLE CENSORSHİP ON THE SİDE OF OUR MEDİA; THERE İS NOTHİNG ABOUT İT EXCEPT ONE CHANNEL; EVEN İF ALL THE PEOPLE ARE ON THE STREETS WİTHOUT EVEN SLEEPİNG.. MOREOVER, ALTHOUGH THE RESİSTİNG PEOPLE DO NOT DESTROY OR ATTACK ANYTHİNG, JUST DEFEND AND PROTECT THEİR LİVES; THE POLLİCE USE AN ENOURMOUS POWER OVER İTS OWN PEOPLE.. İT SEEMS LİKE NOT TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT; BUT REAALY WİTH HATRED AND RAGE; LİKE İNTENDİNG TO KİLL.. THEY USE VERY HİGH DOSE ORANGE AGENT ON İTS OWN PEOPLE, WHİCH İS FORBİDDEN AND İLLEGAL... THEY TARGET AND SHUT DİRECTLY TO THE FACES OF PEOPLE FROM VERY CLOSE DİSTANCE... İN SPİTE ALL OF THESE, İN PUBLİC THERE İS A CONTİNUİNG CALL TO THE POLİCE TO MAKE THEM REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALL BROTHERS, SİSTERS, FRİENDS AND LİVİNG ON THE SAME LANDS AS A FAMİLY... MEANWHİLE, OUR GOVERNMENT PRETEND LİKE SOME YOUNG POEPLE DO SOME CAPRİCE!!! OR EVEN LİKE NOTHİNG İS HAPPENİNG... THE PEOPLE ARE CONQUERİNG THEİR OWN COUNTRY RİGHT NOW İN TURKEY; AND WİTH PEACE, REALLY; THEY STAY UPRİGHT... LİKE A TREE AND LİKE A FOREST TOGETHER... THİS İS NOT AN ORGANİSED OR PLANNED RESİSTANCE... PEOPLE JOİN AND GROW WİTH THEİR HEARTS' CALL.. PLEASE SUPPORT TURKEY WİTH ALL YOUR HEART... THANK YOU AND LOVE International solidarity with the resistance in Taksim Gezi Park in 44 languages! ''DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO CONSIDER IT TO BE JUST A MATTER OF A TREE'' Turkish Protester Hit By Police Panzer (TOMA) crashing #occupygezi #direngeziparki police has been using agent orange instead of pepper gas for hours now. It is extremely toxic with serious long term effects. It is strictly banned by the UN. It hurts like hell. It leaves people suffocating for hours. Causes tremors, HAs, skin burning and severe vomiting. In many places police trapped protestors, continuously gassing them. When they run indoors for refuge, they gas the interior spaces as well. Basically without any obvious purpose other than pure brutality. Anonymous - Message to the Turkish Government (Gezi Park Demonstration) Anonymous Digital analysis of police terror in Istanbul on #MayDay ON THE SITUATION IN TURKEY FROM Istanbullu Aykut Girisha:Last update for my international friends before I turn off my computer: morning has broken in Turkey on hundreds of thousands of people all around the country spending the night in resistance against the police state, while police kept on pummeling peaceful demonstrators with teargas and later stronger gas even randomly from helicopters, in amounts never seen anywhere in the world. Some killed by police and many seriously injured, but the numbers of people on the streets is growing. Resignations from the ruling party and the police organisation has started. Army is reportedly helping people deal with the police. While many police transferred from other cities to Istanbul, many resisters are also going there to give support. The symbol of union of Europe and Asia, the Ataturk Bridge in Istanbul, was crossed at dawn by thousands of people to join the tired demonstrators in Taksim. Resisters are trying to reach the parliament in Ankara. Turkish media is still silent about all this while international media is slowly showing the size of the events. This is a sleeping nation waking up, and it will continue until the government is overthrown. Please support this peaceful popular revolution in any which way. Live feed here: Love Peace and Harmony at: To control which emails you receive on Love Peace and Harmony, click here
Message From Love, Peace,and Harmony.....
I hope everyone who reads this makes it viral on their facebook, twitter and whatever else communication device they have! This must come out into the open! Agent Orange? That's nuts!