With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Several of the numerous readers who are asking about the Ebola outbreak referred to it as the “Ebola scare”—and rightly so, as scare is one of the reasons the virus was recently released again. When it was developed in a laboratory by Illuminati scientists almost 40 years ago, the intentions were twofold: to create a pandemic and to instill in peoples the fear that accompanies a virulent, contagious disease.
We are not minimizing Ebola’s severity today by saying that it was indeed then a sickness to dread. It spread rapidly and claimed many lives before it was brought under control; and the outbreak resulted in rampant negativity due to the large death toll, grief, chaos and fear. Now, healthy persons who contract the disease and receive appropriate treatment can recover, and, just as happens with any serious illness, persons who die had weak immune systems before exposure to Ebola or their systems became severely stressed by the fatigue of caring for patients. This time around the Illuminati will not achieve anywhere near the measure of negativity intended, nor did their other relatively recent attempts to devastate Earth’s population produce it.
You may recall that only a few years ago SARS, avian flu, swine flu and its reissue as N1H1 happened in turn, with global publicity about “a feared pandemic” after the first diagnosis of each disease; and, ever so handily, vaccines were at the ready. The intense publicity and clamoring for vaccinations lasted only briefly because it became obvious that since only a few deaths occurred, no pandemic had befallen your world. Scientists in the light-worker ranks neutralized the viruses in the vaccines that were designed to spread, not prevent those diseases, and all were total failures insofar as achieving their purpose: eliminating billions of humankind whom Henry Kissinger, the peak of the Illuminati, referred to as “useless eaters.”