I am Mother God. I am so happy to be here today to deliver this message to you.
In This year you will see many changes brought forth from the New Energy that is being sent to earth today. Many human beings will reawaken to their Soul. They will remember their connection to myself and to their Father. They will know this connection is through their heart and from within. More and more human beings will reawaken to their Soul and to the remembrance of who they truly are.
This is a great time of celebration on the Other Side. All of those in Spirit have been looking forward to this earth time for they know there will be much more recognition of those in Spirit. Your spiritual family has always been with you and always will be. When you reawaken to this truth you will feel their presence more and more around you. We are here lovingly guiding you and protecting you. As you open up more and more to this energy Spirit is sending you, you will reawaken more and more to who you truly are. This is a beautiful time on earth.
This is the beginning for now you are creating your wishes and desires. The more human beings that reawaken, the more you will see changes coming about. There are changes that are happening right now on earth that many of you do not understand. Just as you must release old energies and accept the new energies, so must your Mother Earth. Many of you see these changes as something to fear but in reality it is bringing forth what so many of you have wished for, for such along time.
The New Energy of the New Earth will be a raised vibrational energy. Just as many of you are beginning to raise your vibrational energy so will the earth. This is a beautiful time and I ask for all of you on earth to embrace these changes that are coming forth. As you learn to ask from within, seek from within, and to knock from within through your heart, you will see the many blessings that are bestowed upon you and the earth every day. Do not try to judge what is happening. Learn to accept and allow these changes and these changes will come about much more easily for you.
This the Age of the Soul will lead you into the Golden Age. The Golden Age is what you refer to as heaven on earth. This will happen. This, the Age of the Soul, is the prerequisite to the Golden Age. The Golden Age cannot come about until you reawaken to the Soul and remember who you truly are. The New Energy that you are feeling on earth today will help you to accomplish this. Open your heart to this energy. Accept this energy within you and around you and allow this energy to flow through you. As you do this also ask for others to do the same. As this energy moves within you and through and outside of you, it becomes stronger and stronger. This will allow others to feel this energy also. Of Course, this New Energy is the Divine Energy, the Energy of myself and Father God, the All That Is. This Divine Energy is pure love.
Many human beings in the past have turned away from this energy and not allowed this energy within them. It is time now for all human beings to open up to this wonderful energy, this great energy of love. As more and more human beings open up to this great energy of love they will begin to see changes in their perception. There will be much more compassion and love for one another.
This Year You will see rapid changes coming forth. Accept these changes for changes are all good. As you move through this year look forward to all of the changes that are coming about. Many of you will be receiving all that you have wished for. The messages you will be receiving will have great meaning to you. These messages will help you to walk the path that you have chosen. You will see more clearly this path and things will happen in your life that will help you to move forward on this path. This will bring to many of you great peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance. You will find it much easier to release the old energies you have stored within you. As you release more of the old energies, more and more new energy will flow within you and through you. This is what will allow you this greater perception and greater understanding and of course understanding is compassion.
This lifetime you are in right now on earth is truly all about you. This is truly your own spiritual journey and of course this spiritual journey is one of growth. This growth is in your consciousness. Many of you will bring your Father and I into your consciousness this year. This will help you to achieve the growth you planned for this lifetime. You are on a wonderful journey and as you walk the path of this journey, your Father and I walk with you. We are always with you, we always have been, and we always will be. As you go forward in this year on earth, open your heart to the energies of your Father and I, to the energies of the All That Is. As you do this you will feel this great energy of love that we have for you, for each and every one of you. Look forward to these changes that are coming about. Accept and allow these changes to happen. Through doing this you will find great peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, and abundance not only for yourself but for all.
This is a wonderful time on earth and we in the Spirit Realm are having a great celebration as more and more human beings open their hearts to us. I wish for all of you to have great feelings of hope and anticipation throughout this year. I wish for all of you to open your hearts and your minds to myself and your Father, to the All That Is.
It is with great pleasure that I give to you this message today. I love you all so very, very much. I am Mother God.