1st. January 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Greetings to you all as you welcome in the New Year, it promises to be most active as the old struggles to cope with the new energies that are quickly being established. The result is that much confusion exists particularly amongst those who see only the outer happenings. Yet much of it is often out your sight, and is slowly bringing the New Age into manifestation that is now entering its fourth year. The necessary changes cannot be delayed for long, and are becoming more powerful as each day passes. The dark Ones are still trying to ignore the obvious signs that tell them their time is almost finished. Their ability to dictate what happens to the Human Race is no longer within their power that is now being diminished very quickly.
Soon events will take place that will clearly indicate the new direction you are going in. The old has served its purpose and cannot be maintained in the face of the changes that are about to manifest. The turmoil taking place around the Earth would seem to be so great that it cannot be curtailed, but be assured that the Galactic Federation have the means to immediately stop all acts of war. They have in fact been given more authority to step in and take direct action. You have so much support and protection at this time you need not worry as to how events will work out. Your support is needed more than ever to ensure that the Light continues to remain strong and powerful regardless of what is happening around you. These are such important times, and each individual should keep in mind their highest expectations and not lose sight of them.