Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Laura
Message from my Higher Self ~ 31 Dec 2011 ~ On 2012
Enjoy this last day of 2011, it was a trying year, but many people have come to a far better understanding of what goes on behind closed doors in governments. Many souls have come to see things for what they are, and thus no longer buy into all that is presented as true to them. We are so glad to witness this is taking place, although it has been necessary for many of you to face a deep precipice. This was and still is for many an extremely scary experience.
2012 will have much of the same energy, but at an even deeper level. The entire process of thinking, analyzing, as well as constructive consideration of social, political and economical aspects will also deepen. There is no easy way of out this situation for as long as the entire society’s needs are not entirely been reconsidered. All beings, and that means humans, animals, plant life as well as outer space beings must be treated with kindness, fairness, understanding, compassion and love. This will be your goal for the first half of 2012, to look inside yourself and extend the love and compassion for yourself to those around you.
More and more will the guidance of your Higher Self be required. More and more you will have to turn inwards for guidance in your daily tasks. More and more you will find love, understanding, and guidance from above, by your own means. More and more will the light find its way inside of your heart, body and mind. The light will integrate and transform every single cell of your body. This slow process has already begun, and will somewhat speed up as we move along throughout 2012.
Have a wonderful 2012, from all of us in the higher realms.
I am your Higher Self.