4th December 2015. Mike Quinsey.
There is so much going on in the world of which you have little knowledge. The dark Ones are fighting a losing battle with the Light which will soon reign supreme. Many groups upon Earth are successful in restricting their activities, and preventing them from proceeding with their plan. So much so, that they are panicking as up to now they have acted with impunity, believing that they were untouchable. Now the net has been cast wide and many of their minions have been removed, which has severely weakened their ability to cause serious trouble. They have now realised how their hands are being tied and their resources are being restricted, preventing an escalation of their activities. It is too late for them to recover so they try to create mayhem wherever possible through their forces upon the Earth. So you will see the result of such attempts, but in comparison to their past abilities it will be of a minor nature. The Illuminati were prepared to destroy the Earth if they could not get their own way, but now their ability to do so has been stopped completely. This is largely down to the support you are getting from the Galactic forces who will ensure your safe passage to Ascension.
All that can be asked of you is to keep raising your vibrations, and try not to get involved in any way that highlights the activities of the dark Ones. The problem is that although Lightworkers have a sufficiently good understanding of what is taking place and can deal with it calmly, many people have no such knowledge and are worried and easily scared about future prospects. From their position matters look very threatening and many believe they are facing an uncertain future. This is where you of the Light can make a real difference and calm them down by explaining the true situation. Clear the way for the Light to take complete hold, and reveal the purpose for the changes that are taking place. The Internet is very useful in this respect, but even then you have to be selective to avoid picking up false information. You will no doubt know by now that the dark ones strongly rely on fear to put people under their control. Those of you with sufficient understanding can help dispel such feelings and replace them with hope and assurances of the Light’s success.