8th January 2016. Mike Quinsey.
Dear Ones, Take a deep breath and prepare for many changes that are waiting to come out. On face value it may seem that some are destructive where your present systems are concerned. However, all actions should be viewed with the greater picture in mind, as you are starting a period of multiple changes. At each stage you will naturally view them according to their immediate effect. However if you could see the result in the long term, you would appreciate how each happening is part of the whole process of change. Most of you already know that the events that are happening, are for your release from the hold the dark Forces have over you. Mother Earth is already making changes for that reason and she will “shake” the dark Ones with her actions. At times depending on where you are on Earth matters will seem to be a threat to you, but remember that changes to the surface of the Earth are inevitable as the cleansing takes place. Be assured that the Galactic Federation will be active at such times, and if necessary will remove you if you are in danger of being seriously affected. Try not to fear the changes as you will not be directly affected unless it is for karmic reasons. It is often difficult for us to intervene in such circumstances, but given the authority to assist you, we can re-locate you until the danger to you has passed. It is recorded in your history where many civilisations have simply disappeared without trace.
Much is taking place without your knowledge, but all happenings on Earth are monitored by the Galactic Forces. They direct the energies where possible into areas where it causes the least affect to any life forms. However, there are times when major changes are needed when land masses are re-shaped and waterways altered. At such times it is more important than ever to keep calm, and avoid giving your energies up to fear. Keep calm and by doing so you will help others to do the same. Inevitably some fear will accompany major changes but assure people that all of them are for the betterment of Earth. The old that no longer serves any purpose in the New Age must go to make way for the new. Where possible changes will be moderated so as to give you every opportunity to accommodate them. You have more than one civilisation overseeing the changes, so you may rest more easily knowing that the higher forces are in charge. The event taking place is of major significance to the Solar System which is why it is attracting so much attention.