Message From The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa, 7~30~11
Greetings to all dear souls, we are the Pleiadian High Council.
Advancements have taken place both outside and inside of you all that will see you rediscovering your true selves in much greater aspects than you originally anticipated. We have been so long awaiting your return to full consciousness, but having the perspective that we do already see you after you have ascended. Even still, we understand the plateu of forgetfulness you are on, and respect the fact that you don’t quite feel ‘there yet’. This feeling has been felt by you all and sent up to us on our starships, and it is a feeling we regret you having. However, these hardships will be forgotten so very soon, we understand the use of the word soon isn’t very comforting but please know that when your future comes knocking on your door, how long it took will no longer be an issue as you will have found the Harminious and Heavenly existence you had so long been awaiting. We are honored and delighted to be a part of this wonderful process, we know that at present some of you can not feel the Joy of these end times but please know it is there and it is waiting to be picked up on by you all. The energies of Joy and Hapiness are energies that thrive off of being felt by all, and every being of Light so dearly wishes every soul the Harmony and Peace that we presently experience.
In previous messages, we have spoken of these spiriutal changes now getting real for many of you. This is a point we will continue to elaborate on, as it is a very important factor in your personal awakening and the awakenings of those around you. For many, their lower survival instincts are telling them to run from anything based in spirit. Dear ones your egos are dying and as a result so many of you are feeling an intense psychc ‘pull’ towards your former third dimensional lives and activities. We wish you to understand that this will pass, but only if you acknowledge it for what it is, a part of yourself that is not ready to move on. We watch as many of you consider yourselves very advanced, and yet go out of your way to not acknowleddge that part of you that is still wondering if your newfound beliefs are actually real. It is very difficult to engage in the process of scraping every last bit of darkness off of oneself, after having known darkness as a sole form of existence for so long. If you can get past this last ‘hump’ you will find yourselves so much more advanced than you have event recently dreamed of. It only takes acknowledging that part of yourself that is still grounded in fear, and thus still grounded in illusion. We understand the diffuculty in doing this, and again remind you that you are some of the strongest souls to be found throughout creation for what you have undertaken on Earth for the good of all.
You have reached the final stages of duality and the third dimension, we now ask you to reflect on your experiences. What did you learn whilst on Earth? What lessons hit you straight to your core, and taught you a most valuble lesson that you will never forget? Many can find life on Earth difficult, because of the back and forth duality and karma being served out, coupled with learning very intense lessons. We wish you to know that we can see Earth as a Galactic Society once again, the potential reached by you collectively is soon to form you into a full blown Peacful Galactic Society of Light. These initiations you have been going through have not just been personal, collectively as a planet you have all been through much initiation with your dear Gaia. We watch with glee as so many of you begin to realize the impact you have for so long had on your environment; it is another hard truth to realize, how much you have collectively hurt Mother Earth. We live by a sarcred edict when it comes to this situation: forgive them, for they know not what they do. It is regretable that some on Earth still don’t realize the enormous impact for the worse they daily have made on their environment, but we now enjoy the fact that so many have awakened to these truths.
Life and Spirit have always intermingled, and everything you know is that of the energy of Love. What you call atoms are simply the individual molecules of Love coming together in Joy and Harmony to present the reality you have come to know. Many on Earth don’t understand how joyful and harminous a process composing your reality really is. We enjoy immensly helping the molecules of Love form your reality. You will understand how amazing the coming together of souls really is when you experience it yourselves with your planetary ascension.
Greetings to all! I am SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and I wish you all to know that we are ready to be with you. Because of this we have instigated the beginning of the process that will lead to our coming together. In the coming weeks you will see much exposed, because you are all ready to know these truths. Many of you have been ready for quite a long time, and as was mentioned before we can feel your frustrations up here. Please know that despite the delays these emotions really don’t have to be felt, as regardless of whether we were with you tommorow or in a year, you would still be ascending! Your ascension is the real thing to get excited about and anticipate, because once you find your true selves once again, you will also feel the immense satisfaction of a spiriutal ‘job well done’. We are so very excited for this, and we wish you to know that we fully intend to feature our Lightworkers on the ground with us, once our presence on your planet is filmed. Every one of you Lightworkers who are holding the line for those unawakened and perfoming miracles every day deserve to have your efforts known by the people. If it is your wish, we would Love to have you with us whenever we make ‘official’ first contact with Earth!
Allow yourselves now to transcend the illusions you have immersed yourselves in, as these illusions will no longer bring you happiness. Your true happiness has always been grounded in the Divine, despite the efforts of many on Earth to find happiness in materiality. Material things have always been hollow, as they are simply illusions created by you all in an attempt to make sense of the unfamiliar reality you found yourselves in. Wesley continually attempts to steer this conversation towards the fall of Atlantis, but I say that such times need not be reflected on now, for this is a time of Harmony and celebration! You have worked through the negative Karma that was built up since the fall of Atlantis, and you are now all ascending to further levels than you ever achieved in Atlantis and even Lemuria. Obviously most of the Lemurians traveld to the Inner Earth where they ascended, but there were a few from Lemuria who stayed behind on the surface.
I am SanJAsKa of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, and together with the Pleiadian High Council wish you all to know how Loved you are at all times. Feel the Love in yourselves that you anchor unto Gaia, and let it clear your energy fields so the energies of Love and Peace can fully take form in you. Enjoy your lives dear ones, from now on they are only to get better and better.
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-Channeled By Wes-