Message from the Star Council of Light by Amuna Ra

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Message from the Star Council of Light


Hackpen Hill 2, 7 Aug 2014, and Hackpen Hill 1, 8 and 9 July 2014
Oh dearest Amuna Ra, 

we would like to give you a message to send out to all the people who long to hear our words on the circles this year. It is I, Peroptimé, who speaks. We are most pleased you have received healing in our latest small circle (6 August 2014) and are well enough to enter our formations once more and take down our messages to humanity.

This circle you are sitting in now (8 and 9 July 2014) has been present for many weeks, sending the healing of its energy into the Earth and freely sharing it with all people who come into it. The energy which you felt was so beautiful, Amuna Ra, is that of your home in the Pleiades and it touches your heart because it transports your back there even while in your human body. 
The energy of the Pleiades is full of love and lightness. It is healing and regenerative. It balances whatever is out of sorts in both the human system and within the system of the Earth herself. Thus we are able to heal the Earth through the simple means of imprinting these forms into the living, ripening grain. 
Many of you wonder why we choose fields of grain to make our formations and to send our healing. 

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