So much is taking place that you will find it almost impossible to keep up with, and it will ensure that you quickly prepare to take your place as an ascended being. At the level where all is in the Now, it would seem that Ascension has already taken place. However, in your level of vibration events occur in a sequence, that is subject to the outworking of your freewill. It makes exact predictions more difficult to make, but it can be stated that your Ascension is assured. For some time now you have been given glimpses of the future that awaits you, and it is full of promises that will lift you into the New Age. As you will soon begin to realise, it is rapidly going to propel you into the higher dimensions. You will exist at a level where all is of the Light and Universal Love abounds.
At present few of you know where you came from but in time you will learn the truth. You will renew friendships with your “family” who have patiently waited for your consciousness levels to return. Reunions will be joyful occasions where you will once again share your Love and Light with all other souls. If you so wish you will have no need to return to the lower levels, although some will do so in service to others. Rather than remain on your home planet, you may choose to join like-minded souls and operate as a group. You will have decided on your next course of action in the interests of furthering your evolution. It never stops until you finally achieve complete perfection and return to the Godhead. However, you have only just started your journey, and many wonderful and satisfying experiences will still be yours to enjoy.