The dark Ones are concerned that they can no longer dictate what takes place, and obstinately try to overcome the power of the Light Forces that are preventing their success. They threaten those who stand in their way to no avail. Their power has been severely diminished and they can no longer do as they choose. Although they still threaten to use nuclear devices, they know that in reality it will not be allowed. The Forces of Light are by and large protected but some souls have already agreed to sacrifice their life for the good of others. Be assured that any such actions will be adequately rewarded, but naturally in some situations karma is being played out and the outcome is pre-planned. As you have no doubt learnt nothing really happens by chance, as your life plan is arranged to suit your specific needs.
If you cannot directly help those who are strongly fighting for full Disclosure, you can assist by visualizing it and giving it the power to be successful. It is certainly considered to be the most desirable outcome, and many souls are working for it. As the net closes on the dark Ones full Disclosure almost becomes a certainty, and many Beings of Light are helping to raise the vibrations. You look around you and the Earth seems to be in a turmoil, but know that Mother Earth with the assistance of your Space family are able to cleanse it quite quickly, and there will be no undue delay when the time comes for it to be done. You should bear in mind that you are being helped by Beings who are thousands of years ahead of you. For them problems that you consider to be difficult are simple and easily handled.