~Messages from Michael on NESARA, Disclosure, 11~11~11, etc.~

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~Messages from Michael on NESARA, Disclosure, 11~11~11, etc.~

2011 November 21
Posted by Steve Beckow

Linda will be transcribing Susan’s mp3. I’m waiting to hear back on Casey’s. BZ is making a video of each of them.

We have two very interesting readings today from Archangel Michael through Linda. The first is from Casey, in which AA Michael discusses “how we are doing,” what 11/11/11 has begun, and where it’s going.  He discusses the chaos that is still apparent around us. He talks about the economic decay happening now.

But perhaps the segment of this channelling that will interest you most is that Archangel Michael discusses the pre-NESARA bridge programs. The secret is out. These programs are designed to help Lightworkers and Lightholders who are in dire straits.

He distinguishes it from the larger NESARA.  The bridge programs are coming online now or soon, depending on who is administering which individual project. He discusses what will change with Disclosure. “What remains for Disclosure to occur? Very little. It is already underway.”

This is an excellent message and everyone would be very much benefitted by listening to it.


The second channeling is Susan’s in which AAM gives about as complete a discussion of Disclosure as I’ve ever heard.  If anyone wants the full story on Disclosure, this channeling is where to go to.

He explains what has taken so long for Disclosure and what their considerations are now. He tells us that only those who come in peace are allowed around Earth now, that the negative aliens were sent elsewhere quite some time ago. He discusses all the back and forths that have gone on around Disclosure. He discusses the manner in which the galactics have landed on Earth and are present among our society.


He says that the time of Ascension has already begun and is well underway. Many of us are occupying more than one dimension simultaneously. He also refers to the pre-NESARA bridge program here.

He says that the 11/11/11 portal was opened for humans to go through and it remains open. All are equally welcome to go through it to 5D.  He then turns to the Return of the Masters, which begins on 12/12/11. The 12/12 is an expansion of this for human beings.

It is also a two-way doorway. Many star brothers and sisters will be walking through that doorway on to Earth. Many of the saints, the prophets the wise ones, shamans, ascended masters will be walking through that doorway onto Earth. This is the beginning of the Return of the Masters. We will see them most clearly on the 5th Dimensions, when we go there. The preparation for the 12/12 includes the meditation, prayer and ritual that he discussed in an earlier interview.

As for what we should expect on 12/12, he says that he does not want to get our expectations up (and at the same time he does). But he said that not everyone will experience 12/12 in the same way. But he also adds the usefulness of joy, excitement and peace. He asks us to open all our chakras on that day. It is fine to be in groups on that day. It is critical to be grounded on that day.

He added that every person will experience the occasion in ways that are meaningful for themselves. He said it will be more joyful and peaceful.  This portal will remain open till the end of 2012.


I’d like to thank both of them for asking questions for us. They have actually used their own money to do this for us – just like you to know. If anyone wishes to make a transcript of these, that would be wonderful. Perhaps let me know first so we can cut down on any duplication that might otherwise occur.

I’d very much like to see these two channeling turned into Youtube videos (BZ, Sophia, Ed?).  But if you do, perhaps coordinate with me so that I can rest assured that the text attached to it is appropriate, the title, the graphics used, etc. Thanks.



