Published on Jul 16, 2012 by WACCTV
During the grand re-opening of the CELL -Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab, Michael Chertoff is confronted with the facts by various members of the public during a speech promoting and propagating the War on Terror.
See accompanying article at
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Most of all, don't be a sucker for all of the unbelievable lies that your government is selling you. The fact the lies are so big shows how far down the drain we are. Wake up. Our friends and family will need us. Re-realize the intentions of the founding fathers to be skeptical and suspicious of government. The Constitution is a document for Freedom. These rights belong to us Americans, simply by virtue of existing. The rest of the world should tolerate nothing less. Assert your rights and you will have them. Ask for them and you will be denied. Your choice. What would Thomas Jefferson do? Are we still brave enough to call ourselves Americans? We'll see...