Michele Geyer ~ Winter Solstice 2012 ~ Holding Sacred Space ~ 23 December 2012

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Posted on December 23, 2012 by Thank You to lucas2012infos

Today’s post comes from my lovely faery and Ireland loving friend, Michele Geyer of the Energetic Connection:

Winter Solstice 2012: Holding Sacred Space

Can you fathom how many people around the world held sacred space yesterday?

Most who believe this year’s Solstice event is about shifting-up and embracing higher frequencies continue to resonate and sustain intentions for global change beyond what our minds can even imagine.

At the very least, these same people are holding sacred space throughout the weekend.

Do you know the premise of the “Hundredth Monkey?”

If not, it goes something like this: every single person holding a positive thought or state of being will affect at least 100 other people.

Sages and visionaries can affect millions with one thought vibration.

All angelic support, ET’s and otherworldly beings aside, the sheer potential of our human power to effect change is infinite.

Even if the 2012 prophecies are (were) not true, consider this:

If 100,000 people held an expanded vibration yesterday, 10 million others were affected by this wave of energy.

Think about it: in the US alone, there are 285 cities with populations over 100,000, which means it only takes one US city to encourage, elicit and evoke change in 10 million people.

If nothing else, we created an event with our intentions!

Here’s a little something from co-founder of Findhorn, Eileen Caddy’s “still small voice within.” Her messages were originally shared over the 40 years before her death in 2006.

Tap The Source of Universal Power and Use It At All Times

Affirm that what you desire is yours no matter what it is, or how seemingly 
unattainable it may appear to be humanly, then believe it is yours and expect it to 
come about. But let Me remind you again, never allow a moment of doubt in to mar this picture which you are holding in your so called imagination, simply accept that imaginations are realities and forces of unseen elements. That you are 
learning to work with these higher forces in life, that the power of the spirit is yours 
when you claim it as yours and put it into practice. Day by day let your consciousness expand so you are working from those higher realms all the time and you see 
demonstrated in your life the seemingly impossible made possible. Tap this source of universal power and use it at all times.

http://www.laurabruno.wordpress.com  link to original article
