Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 1 June 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 1 June 2012

Posted on June 1, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.

As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing.

We view your present position as one that enables you to cope quite easily, and we look to you to carry other people forward who are less aware or uninformed. The preparations that we have made, will at some stage take over the responsibility of keeping people up to date with what is happening. That is viewed as very important, as we must be seen to be operating in your best interests at all times. It is in fact very easy for us to superimpose our messages upon your television sets, even when they are not switched on. However, once we are allowed to openly meet you the circumstances will change, as we can then appear live and operate our own channels.

The extent to which there has been an ongoing cover-up of the truth for many, many years, is quite astonishing to us, as your Governments have spent enormous amounts of money in supporting the organizations that are being used for this purpose. Even now it continues with SETI who search the Universe for signs of intelligent life, yet your Government has had a continuous dialogue with the extraterrestrials you know as the Grays. It has been going on for some 70 years, and on a regular basis. Even we of the Galactic Federation of Light have had contact with your leaders, and our offers to bring peace to the world were refused. That did not surprise us, because the agenda of the dark Ones was to take over the world and enslave the people. Their plans were well advanced and within sight of success, until you suddenly responded to the Light and began to understand the truth.

In the past you have looked to us to save you, but that was not permissible as with freewill choice you created the circumstances that developed and trapped you. It relates to the Law of Attraction, and when the vibrations reached a very low point it allowed extraterrestrials Beings of a similar vibration to contact the Earth. That was when agreements were made to allow them bases on your world, in exchange for advanced technological information. It was of course used for ulterior purposes, and mainly weapons of destruction. Very little of it has been passed on to you considering how the great advancements would have benefitted your lives. That suited the dark Ones plans, as they knew that people who have a lack of the necessities to live a normal life are reliant upon them for their existence.

The most abominable aspect of the plans of the dark Ones, was their intent to keep you in a state of war even if it meant starting them by false means. They have the guilt hanging over them for the deaths of millions upon millions of souls. We know some of you cannot understand why in such circumstances we did not intervene, but we are not allowed to interfere with a civilizations evolution. The only exception is where we are given divine authority to do so, as happened more recently when  it was decreed that no more wars would be allowed. We will add that it also includes off world wars, and a long time ago your big powers were told in no uncertain terms that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be taken into Space. Even so they ignored our warning, and suffered the consequences when their craft were destroyed or removed.

Dear Ones, if you really knew the truth about the dark operations that have been carried out, you would be so shocked and upset. People that you have looked up to have often been behind such happenings, and have wielded such power that those who are honest and good willed have not dared come out with the truth, for fear of their lives and often their families. However, we are pleased to note that in very recent times more people than ever are prepared to openly come out with the truth. It is revealing the covert operations of the Illuminati, that are mainly directed and supported by the powerful banking families. Fortunately, the same whistleblowers are able to inform you of how those who work for the Light are putting the pressure on the dark Ones, to the point that many of them are marked for arrest and will answer for their crimes.

What we have revealed has not exactly been kept secret, and if you know where to look you can find much more information on your Internet. One of the most atrocious acts of the Illuminati was 9/11 and since it occurred it has been privately investigated by many professional bodies, and reams of information is there on your Internet. Your mind will not perhaps allow you to believe that the whole attack was a false flag operation, and that it was rigged even to the extent that the enquiry into it was also set up to support the Illuminati version of events. There are others and 24/7 in England was a similar scenario, with people being set up to falsely take the blame. However, all responsible and involved are known and will stand trial for their crimes.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure you that peaceful times lay ahead.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

www.treeofthegoldenlight.com link to original article





shifro's picture

It will be a great relief when eveything comes together, an Announcement is made and everything is out in the open. I will be able to relax for the first time in my life instead of carrying the burden of kicking against the illusion. Needs to be soon. I am at the end of my tether.


I am watching the UK people

Guest's picture

I am watching the UK people preparing for the jubilee celebrations and it makes me think  how on earth are these people ever going to wake up.  


HER Maj. is one of the main  characters that have stopped us receiving the advanced technologies that were given to us decades ago and she is now feeding off this public adoration of her. The royals are laughing at us.


I know that things have to happen according to Divine timing but I am also at the end of my tether waiting and wating.




glr_Andrea's picture

Wonderful, when you're tired of waiting, that's when you're finally free to BE and share what you Are.


Love you

Boy sister you said it.  I

Guest's picture

Boy sister you said it.  I just went through a period of being very frustrated with this waiting game.  I decided to keep focusing on the light and help raise the energy of those around me.  Then I went out side and grabbed our pick axe and I am re-doing my garden.  Something I have been wanting to do not for 2 years but something has always come up. I was really so angry because I want this change for so many people who are hurting right now, I just left the computer work clothes and all and started hammering out rocks.  I do believe I was muttering some choice words about all this when I was working. I live on a hill of rocks so if you want to grow anything, and I try but am  not so good, well you have to really move the earth.  If I get to stay at our home when this big plan reveals itself, I will hopefully have a beautiful earth garden to host a tea party in.  Everything in the garden is edible, so come on down and help your self, Space brothers and sisters.  Earth brothers and sisters that live by Pegram TN, contact me if you want to experience gardening and developing a healing center, sweat lodge going up soon.  It is an art, music, healing, family place that is building community. So long story short, this is how I am using my inspiration and energy to help the GFL.  I guess I had to take out the frustration, of waitingfor the "event", with the pick axe-LOL.  At least we have Broccoli growing now!-Light and Love-StarDancerKat


Patty's picture

I'm glad others are feeling as I do...We hear continous messages of Good coming... and sometimes I wonder if it is just to get the consciousness to HOPE in a more positive light, using the Law of Attraction....


However, you can only HOPE so long and listen to the redundant messages and see

very little taking place...


Sorry to be this ....??  ;o((( 


Just a 'spark' would help.


Patty's picture

I feel the same... I look at the people adoring her and shake my head... was hoping that William would be a pioneer.....however... doubt that he will  ;o((


a bit confused

Jazz's picture

ok, confused, but the message is clear.


This doesnt TOP POST? Its not on the list of today's messages.

Secondly, I was looking for your PM information, here Mike. Is there a special code i need or something?


Anyways..you posess the method I used aboard ship on the ESSEX. (Of course I left for a cup [can] of coffee...there really isnt any place to run or hide aboard ship to blow off steam not generated by the ship's boilers..) It works for ahwile. Having Nature out side is better I think. We connect with it better for some reason.The frustration drives you into Panic Attacks otherwise.

Be aware of this. This is nothing to laugh at. Very serious mental condition.


I do wonder, though, (I have been informed of this[its called VAN ECKS by the way, the TV thing]) if you could do this, even with a select few of us, is there a reason you wait? Do you wish to use the technologies we have? I find them rather archaic from a stellar point of view. Then again, video cellular calls havent really taken off(I dont mean 'Voice Over IP', this is different method used.).



Mike, a moment?


Mayhaps the zookeeper, Ta-Sha-ba as referenced in one of the Utube videos, mayhaps could you see if she would come thru for me for a moment? A zoo in space...animals? Or is it humanoid races of various nature I wonder? Interesting... Id appreciate contact anyway.


If the rest of you Sirians wouldnt mind..


Thank you. All of you.