Matters are progressing well despite the outer appearance, and progress towards a peaceful solution that will bring peace to the world. The task to bring it about would seem impossible in view of the number of trouble spots that exist, but greater powers than those on Earth will take a hand in creating worldwide peace. There comes a point when “enough is enough” and when karmic issues can be set aside to ensure that peace is brought about, and the dark Ones are stopped in their tracks. Already strong steps are being taken to set the scene for peace to be achieved by tackling the root cause behind trouble spots. Many are fuelled by those who benefit from the resultant turmoil, particularly in the case of wars that line the pockets of the Arms manufacturers. Be assured that it will soon change as those who monitor such situations have the power and authority to intervene.
The migration of many people is simply the result of inequality in the world. They are your brothers and sisters that have suffered through it from the lack of the simple things that ensure an acceptable quality of life. In your modern age it seems unthinkable that some people are still without adequate water supplies, and many starve in a world of plenty. It is true that some caring organisations do their best to help those in need, but they cannot cope with the size of the problem. However, there is a general change in the way people think about others, and moves to deal with the most urgent problems.