Military COUP d'etat: Treasonous Panetta Says U. S. Military run by UN - NATO.

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Comment by the Galactic Free Press: when LOVE comes in, those that are not tuned to it get confused... and the box opens. Noone is able to start any WorldWar for this is no more allowed on the Planet. Our Star Family is in place and taking care of it. Enjoy disclosure. All our LOVE, the Entire Press. 



Shocking Panetta admits United States Military run by UN AND NATO.

The United States has ceded control of its affairs to international bureaucrats

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Pentagon is engaging in damage control after shocking testimony yesterday by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at a Senate Armed Services Committee congressional hearing during which it was confirmed that the U.S. government is now completely beholden to international power structures and that the legislative branch is a worthless relic.