Mitt Romney Holds Shotgun Presser On Hidden Video

Rain's picture

Published on Sep 18, 2012 by Kellsreport

No description available.


GFP Note: Mitt Romney called a press conference to respond to the video released by This press conference was held after portions of the video were released but before Mother Jones released the full version of the video. We have posted two articles about this:

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

WATCH: Full Secret Video of Private Romney Fundraiser


Have a Nice Day!

drmoe's picture

Good old Mitt, caught on camera disavowing the value of 47% of Americans, who according to his calculations, suck on the breast of government programs and pay no income taxes.


Isn't this the same guy who shuffles as much money as he can offshore so he too doesn't have to pay taxes.  Weren't we reading articles about his "aggressive" tax loophole tactics just a few weeks ago?


Way to go Mitt!  We love you.  Thanks for this latest round of truth.


Dr Moe

Hidden Video

Anne's picture

Just had to comment on this article.  I am appalled!  I am ONE of the 47%.  Mutt only wants to serve the super rich.  What are his plans for the other 47%?  Hmmmm.  I think this video speaks volumes.  I remember that Mutt has been working overtime to try to hide his wealth  in the Cayman Islands and any other places he can hide his wealth so that he won't have to pay his "fair share".  Yet, he has the unmitigated gall to trash the other 47% because we (47%) are not able to pay HIS taxes due our jobs being shipped overseas, companies not knowing how the economic market is going to come out and so are not hiring until they feel the economy is stable, etc.   If Mutt doesn't pay his taxes, who does?  We The People, that's who! This is why the US is trillions in debt.  People who don't pay their fair share is then added to our national debt and, again, We The People are stuck paying MUTT'S (and all others who don't pay their) FAIR SHARE. WTF?!


This person is running for president????  If he is being secretive about his taxes now, what else will he be secretive about in the Oval Office?  And, why is it that Lame Stream Media is no longer commenting on the fact that he is not turning over his tax returns?  Oh yeah, that's right, we are supposed to TAKE HIS WORD FOR IT! LOL!