Huff Post
Ryan Grim and Cole Stangler
Posted: 08/08/2012 9:38 am Updated: 08/09/2012 12:21 am
In 1983, Bill Bain asked Mitt Romney to launch Bain Capital, a private equity offshoot of the successful consulting firm Bain & Company. After some initial reluctance, Romney agreed. The new job came with a stipulation: Romney couldn't raise money from any current clients, Bain said, because if the private equity venture failed, he didn't want it taking the consulting firm down with it.
When Romney struggled to raise funds from other traditional sources, he and his partners started thinking outside the box. Bain executive Harry Strachan suggested that Romney meet with a group of Central American oligarchs who were looking for new investment vehicles as turmoil engulfed their region.
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more political gossip!
So the guy running for president is in the same leauge with the standing president or have we already forgotten Eric Holder and Obama covering his ass with yet another Presidential order. I dont like the law, it doesnt apply to me, I am Obama and I am above the law so let me just call executive order everytime I dont get my way! I think all these politicians are arms of the same evii octopus belonging to the Zionist. I really hope Ron Paul wins!As long as the Z's keep picking the president nothing will ever change for us.