Mitt Romney Tax Returns For 2011 Released (UPDATE)

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Huff Post - Zach Carter, 9/21/12

Mitt Romney Tax Returns

Mitt Romney released his 2011 tax returns on Friday.

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney paid an effective tax rate of 14.1 percent in 2011, according to a tax return filed on Friday, a relatively low tax rate resulting from exotic deductions, the special tax treatment for his Bain Capital retirement package and the low tax rate on capital gains. Romney also opted not to deduct millions in charitable contributions from his tax bill in order to maintain a pledge from August that he has paid at least 13 percent in federal income taxes for each of the past 10 years.

Romney's income was $13,696,951 in 2011, and he paid $1,935,708 in taxes. Romney's income for the year was more than 263 times larger than the U.S. median household income of $51,914.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Huffington



  Thanks for 2011.  Now

DGarr's picture


Thanks for 2011. 
Now release the tax returns that we *really* want to see, 2005-2009. 
The longer you delay, Mr. Romney, the more suspicious it appears.
Obama released 12 years of tax returns 
GW Bush 10 years 
Clinton 12 years 
GHW Bush 14 years 
George Romney 12 years.
What is the problem, Mr. Romney? 
Release your tax returns.