
hilarionra's picture

there are beings on this planet, who are not bridges of creations effortless flow.
this is due to the fact that they themselves have never had anyone around them to
geniuenly assist them in learning the difference between egoic selfish love
and true heartfelt soul self centered being a bridge for creation to move
through you love. this stems from the fact that as i just stated, they didnt
have any proper role models, and were never given the thought thus far within them
to geniunely and consistently look within and learn from their own heart knowing,
their unique connection to god, how to be a bridge of creations flow and in turn
how to truly live an ethically fulfilling lifestyle.

they identify completely with their ego, which can only mirror true love back
to itself, now i feel that since love is everywhere present, there is love
contained within the ego, but im not saying that due to this fact that one
should act on their egoic unconscious impulses, for this is NOT the way.
again those whom identify with their ego, do not know what its like to experience
true love as it is. they only know egoic love, which is selfish and greedy,and
completely misunderstands love = truth = true reality as it is. i again feel
that in the center of the ego, and all throughout it, one can find and experience
true love, but only when they first understand the nature of the ego, and all of forms
that is shows up as. upon this inner reflection of experience, one will find that
they themselves are challenged from within, by the ego that they have, and the ego
contained within others...the challenges arise in many variations, but the energy
of challenge itself, is none the less, still the same.

i dont recall thus far, stumbling across any information that puts it into words
in the way that i do. we are not taught this in school right now. we arent
even taught this kind of information in psychology courses. another experience
you will see yourself having in the here now, is you reflecting back unto
those who cannot see past their own internal dialogue, the reflection of you
having some sort of mental handicap or mental illness. this is simply not
you, but it is you being present, within the mirroring back of all that
is and are other beings inner projections. just being aware of this taking place
stirs up a lot of emotion and feelings from within the being who clearly
does not understand who and what they are, thus not understand how reality functions.

these beings will mock you, make fun of you, in essence pretty much persecute you.
so be aware? thank you. this information will assist you in discovering that
your key to your own salvation, lies within your very essence, that is contained
within the very center of your heart, where your similiarly uniquely equal connection
to creation AND all that is exists for eternity. due to the very nature of omnipotence
omniscient and omnipresence, you will also notice that you can communicate with yourself
and others, in everywhere way, whether its looking up to the sky, looking at plants,
closing your eyes, directing your attention directly to your heart muscle
or to your heart chakra in the center of your solar plexus, these are just a few
examples. another is when you listen to music geniunely, or when you geniunely
take a look at the thoughts and feelings within you.

doing this is assisting yourself in being drawn consciously deeper into your own
heart, and in turn, consistently being the love that YOU are, which no one else
can be. ultimately through this experience , which is effortless and fun
and even challengingly fun, you ground in higher vibrating consciousness
which in turn lifts you and all life everywhere, UP. again talking like this
is resisted by anyone who completely identifies with their ego due to
their own lack of misunderstanding real love, from them never having
experienced the true impulse to take a look at whats taking place within them.
so the persecution can take place in a number of fashions, one is being made
fun of, in a sarcastic manner, which is simply the person identifying with
the egos attempt to run and hide, thus masking over its very fear of being
phased out of existence completely. due to them identifying with this attempt
they masquerade around acting out their unconscious egoic impulses, in turn
trying to distract or control the situation at hand, and energetically express
because thats how creation is through all beings , that they themselves
identify with the ego's fear = resistance towards the soul being here now.

so in turn they identify with their desire to live because of the ego
being in fear of it never actually living at all. and to them this is true strength
when ultimately it isnt. but it does provide those whom are awake with strength.
there is strength in knowledge OF ignorance as it is. from this strength, we
get courage, and from this courage, we get bravery, honor , respect, and the
total will to commit ourselves to go through whatever comes to pass
with a completely open heart, because living with a completely open heart
is the true experience of being present within the love we are. in short
we can be surrounded by absolute turmoil, and know EXACTLY how to handle it
no matter how the turmoil appears, both within us and within others , thus
simultaneously expressed outwardly, either through the flow of creation
or through creations flow of our compulsion or impulse to speak laugh
and so on. this is all taking place because it is a completely necessary
process that allows us to heal ourselves.

this doesnt mean that once peace on earth is established that we will be
done healing, no, it just means that weve established peace on earth
which will be our support system to continue healing ourselves for
all eternity.  i would also like to add, that when you are experiencing
yourself, experiencing yourself, and youre just feeling your feelings
and you pickup a subtle and to a complete obvious feeling of another
being coming to you, it is real. when you shake your head no to it
you are saying no to the ego, and when you nod your head yes, you are
saying yes to the love that you are, and simultaneously the love
that the all is as well, also equal. you will experience FEELING
thoughts, not only of yours, but of others as well, colors
that have thought included within them, or simply colors that give you
an energetic understanding of where youre at, there may or may not be a
thought before or after them, you will also notice an inner consistent
moving indescribable energy within you, that can be called peace
stillness or emptiness, but this apparent emptiness is still form
and this peace is rather an indescribable feeling at the highest level
of creation, its one of the direct experiences of experiencing
the direct representation of one of the many highest truths there is
to experience throughout all creation. same with the potential to have
altered sleeping patterns, or no altering at all, waxing and waning of
desires, twitching, being zapped or beamed with energy, feelings of
pure bliss, warmth, sometimes body shivers , a hold and simultaneous
cold feeling as well, there are many different experiences that
unfold during the awakening of oneself, but the colors and higher
vibrating feelings that include thought before or after them
ARE consistent. one of these higher vibrating feelings is your
intuition, which is your connection to your souls knowing.
its not always a completely direct approach to attaining what
your heart desires, but that doesnt mean itll be like that all the time.

in essence it is not who the being trulyi s. so they identify with the thoughts
of there being different levels of love, when in fact there is only one level
of love as it is.

these beings right now will persecute you for telling the truth as it is. this
is because they identify with the ego's fear of the truth as it is. this is because
the ego itsel
