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Archie Murray


Christ is the only way.

Some say Money is the Root of all Evil, i say the opposite, lack of money is the root of all Evil......where there is lack, the Devil is close.....its what some people do to get money and what some do with it that is Evil, but life is meant to be abundant...Money is God in manifestaion when created from love....




Dear Archie,


I say: discussing that lack or plenty of 'money' is evil or not, for me is completely redundant and unnecessary and completely ridiculous....


There is only one answer in my heart to this question: 'Money' is just a tool/program, a controlling tool, where 'money' is power tool for ones who want to have powers over others [by having more, by paying others....], 'money' is creation of evil [or darkness...] to keep better and longer en-slavery tab on total humanity....


What is happening when 'money' is no more, or midterm solution when everyone have more than enough and do not have to pay for pure existence?... Who will be in power than?... Or, who will be closer to God when this happens?...


What do you think how many currencies the Galactic's Have?... {here I am talking of true Galactic Civilizations with fully developed God conciseness?... In my knowledge: they do not have even the word representing 'money' or 'owing' or 'debt'....


Your statements "where there is lack, the devil is close" [Why devil with capital letter?... ] is so out of true compassion and freedom for us all.... So you are saying that Africa and Asia and now most of Europe and Americas are closer to devil, rather than closer to God because we are 'poor'?....


I just hope that you did this by pure blindness and ignorance, and not on purpose.... Hope that you not seeing self or ones with money as ones closer to God than US, who have nothing material, and US who are slaves of the ones with 'money', US who are many, many more than ones with power of 'money'?...


If this statement was written by pure mistake in representation, or just because you do not know better, or you do not care for rest of 96% of humanity, and comparing US with devil because we are materialistically poor, that it is forgiven, and I will allow it on my wall....


But if this was written to show difference between poor and rich just to differentiate and show more powerful that us, and to show who is closer to God [your interpretation that ones with more 'money' are closer that poor ones...], I would like to ask you still not to remove this post from my wall [that You do not  remove this post from my wall....], as I will keep this as great example and opportunity to bring my opinion and truth publicly... [otherwise if deleted, I will post it as note...]


I am asking you greatest favor that you can do to self: find compassion and love for ones who 'have NOT' moneys, share with them all you have, and then listen and observe your Heart grows bigger and bigger.... Feel how your light start shining for others, much more than when you are accusing US that we are of evil, by simply not having 'moneys'....


I am grateful for this opportunity, as money is the source  of all negativity and separation and dichotomy and duality on this 3rd dimension.... and btw God does not care for 'money', and far from being his manifestation or his creation.... Trust me on this one.... or not.... it is all your choice....


With Love, Predrag
