Montaque Keen ~ 22 January 2012 ~We are On the Cusp of a Massive Transition~
As your oppressors seek new ways to keep you under control, remember this: the simple-minded will believe anything placed before them but the wise look well into everything before accepting it. As people awaken, fewer can be conned into accepting without question all that governments demand. A beautiful New Dawn is approaching, bringing with it truth and light, removing all the confusion of the past. Our plans are taking shape as we proceed with confidence towards our goal. All that you had accepted as truth must be discarded. When the real truth is placed before you, it will be a time of rejoicing and celebrating, as all restrictions are removed and the human race comes together as One. The energy that has been shut off from you will flow freely. Everything on Earth will be re-energised. The sun in all its glory will enter the minds and spirits of all and peace will reign. You have waited a long time for this. It has taken longer than anticipated but we are on the cusp of this massive Transition.
I am delighted that so many of you are enjoying researching ancient Ireland. You are flabbergasted at what you are finding. You ask how could so much have been kept hidden for so long? How could a nation be kept in ignorance of its great past? You learn that because of what was done to Ireland, the whole history of your world was changed and the world suffered as a consequence. Yes, it is difficult to take on board the evil plans that were put in place in Ireland that went on to systematically take over and destroy your world and its people.
This must stop. So many of you remain in the robotic, hypnotic state; your minds and bodies poisoned to keep you under control. Those of you who think for yourselves are looked on as difficult, and so efforts are made to force you to conform. It is because so many of you conform that your world is in the state it is in, with wars accepted as necessary and banks ruling the masses. They are destroying so much. Man was never meant to live like this.
Embrace the changes that we are putting in place as we continue to awaken mankind so that we can restore peace and freedom. Those who have no right or any good intentions towards mankind will be removed from the planet, never to return. Your future is bright and full of promise. Everything is falling into place nicely. When you return to the fold, all is open to you and above board, and those who have lived off your energy are gone. Life will be so different.
The Centres we have planned will take shape. They will become active. Our two worlds will come together as never before. We will supply Natural Medicine that will restore health, no matter what was diagnosed. You will drink pure unadulterated water. You will have food that is not contaminated in any way.
So much has been done to you to dumb you down and make you compliant — slaves to their will. Very few have escaped completely. Everything will return to its rightful place. Nothing will be hidden. There are some, whose deeds have been so dastardly, that they will go to any length to prevent the truth from coming out. The vast riches they have accumulated at your expense will not save them. Their lives are totally driven by GREED, with no thought for the lives they have exploited and ruined. As we proceed, they will find it difficult to hold their shape. They will become more obvious.
All the sacred sites around the world will be re-energised. This will be amazing to observe and experience. The planet will come alive once more. The world as you know it will end; all the suffering over, all control gone. Light and peace will return to all mankind.
Some of you are aware that your bodies are going through major reconstruction in preparation for full consciousness. Tiredness sometimes accompanies this. It is temporary, so worry not.
Mind-to-mind communication will be possible. The mind is capable of so much; learning to use it will be an enjoyable experience. Astral travel will be possible for the adventurous among you. How exciting is that !
Veronica, you know that everything is being put in place. You were shown evidence of this. Those with a role to play will be summoned to come forward. We decide everything. You just follow our instructions. We see the full picture. Only those who are up to the challenge will be used. When we look on someone, we see everything about that person: the intentions deep within them as well as what they profess as their intentions. Nothing escapes us, we cannot be fooled. There are some who crave recognition and so can become a liability. We cannot have that. We need rock-solid people to whom the bigger picture is important also. You and I have learned the hard way who we can trust.
Life is so busy for you on all levels but you must admit, it is exciting also. Your friends wanted to talk with me again. It was an enjoyable experience. One we will repeat soon. Try not to do too much my dear. Your adoring husband, Monty.
Last week, there was some confusion as to whom Monty was referring, and some thought it might be them. I want to make it quite clear that the people whom Monty referred to, as being disruptive, dishonourable and disgraceful, were G.S. in Arizona and T.R. in Scotland. They tried in vain to destroy our work. They even used others to do their dirty work for them. Monty wanted to point out that it had not gone unnoticed. One day, they may understand that their massive egos tried to prevent the Transition.
The Transition
When oh when?