The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex
The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine
Friday, Oct. 4th, 2013
Initial Point of Multi-dimensional Conception
The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex
The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine
The Main Frequency combination for October is…
Main Frequency – 111
Sub Frequencies – 11 & 22
Minor Frequencies – 4 & 8
This month holds AMAZING Frequencies. We are moving into the creation of the Conception of Multi-dimensional Reality into our daily Consciousness.
The main Frequency for the month of October is the Multi-dimensional number of 111.
THIS in itself is absolutely unbelievable!
For instead of working within the Frequency bandwidth of a single digit number relating to our individual self, or a repeated double digit Master Number frequency related to the Group Collective Conscious Mind, we are working within a repeated triple digit number frequency related to the Multi-dimensional Realms.
We are truly starting to open to the knowledge and remembrance of our Multi-dimensional Self. Very soon this will begin to transpire in a very real way on an Individual level, as well as on a Collective level.
The I AM Keyword phrase for 111 is…
I Am Multi-dimensional Thought Energy Set into Motion
This is the frequency where initial Conception of the Reality of Multi-dimensionality takes place. This means this month we are working on the Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms that will eventually become commonly held knowledge within our Collective Consciousness’ Present Projected Time Frame Reality.
The I AM Keyword phrases for the Sub-frequencies of 11 and 22 are…
11 – I AM Truth Illumined Through Spiritual Revelation
22 – I AM Spiritual Vision Building Sacred Structure
You can see here is the support needed to first, see and understand the fuller Knowledge and Truth of who we are, why we are here and where we are going, Individually and Collectively (11); then secondly, to begin the actual process of Building our Projected Time Frame Reality upon this Knowledge and Truth (22).
The I AM Keyword phrases for the Minor Frequency Influences of 4 and 8 for the month of October are…
4 – I Am Form and Service
8 – I Am Secure Physical Reality
These frequencies are showing us that through our conscious participation as the individuals we are, (4) adding our part to this work of the Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms into our Projected Time Frame Reality we are assisting in bringing into manifest form a Secure Physical Reality, (8) not only for our self, but for all of the Collective Consciousness.
Now let’s take a look at the major Frequency configurations of this month.
The 8-11 Frequency combination
There are four days this month with this frequency combination. They are the…
1st, 10th, 19th, and the 28th
First notice the month starts with this combination. If you take a close look you see all of these numbers add to a 1. The 1 Frequency is about the Individual.
What this is showing us is that we have a base frequency through this month reminding us in our Individual work on Self to be ever vigilant at remembering on a continuous basis that what mainstream society accepts as “Reality” is an Illusion. We are being given assistance all through the month to more fully awaken to an expanded view, perspective and understanding of what our physical reality really is, and that it encompasses much more than we currently perceive and understand.
I want to share here that the 19th of October not only vibrates to this 8-11 Frequency it also emits a strong 11:11 Frequency; The New Mayan Calendar Round encoded “Wake Up Call”. On this day the 11:11 Frequencies will be at their highest all month. This is an initial exposure to, and taste of, the Frequencies that will be at work in the month of November 2013; “The Month of Awakening”.
Next we have the Frequency combination days of 4-66-666 in a Triangulation configuration.
The I AM Keyword phrases for 4, 66 and 666 are…
4 – I AM Form and Service
66 – I AM the Divine Feminine Inspired Planetary Healer
666 – I AM Multi-dimensional Form Held in Diving Love and Spiritual Perfection
These Frequency combination days are the…
6th, 15th and 24th
If you notice here all these numbers add to a 6. This is showing us it is time we take on our Responsibility, Individually and Collectively, in first healing our self, and then taking on more of the Responsibility of our Divine Sacred Contractual work in order to assist in healing our planet and Co-Creating our Collective Future.
This Frequency combination has been set up as a support structure for the main work of this month, which is the Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms into our Reality through the Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex that is the result of the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.
The next major and main Frequency combination configuration is that of 11-111. The days this month with this combination are the…
4th, 11th, 29th and 31st
These days are the four points of the Foundation of this month’s work of Conception of the Multi-dimensional Realms into our Collectively Agreed upon (Future) Projected Time Frame Reality.
This makes Friday, October 4th, 2013 the initial point of Conception. This is also the day of the New Moon; a time traditionally associated with New Beginnings; a time most auspicious for starting down new avenues and beginning new projects.
Friday, October 4th, 2013 is the day of the
Initial Point of Conception
This is the point where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine make initial contact in balanced form and Conception of our eventual move, “Shift”, into the Multi-dimensional Realms of Reality that will one day become a part of our Collectively Agreed upon Present Projected Time Frame Reality occurs. You can liken this to the point in physical conception when the sperm breaks through the wall of the egg and the initial igniting, or spark, of creation of new life begins.
What AMAZING times we are experiencing!
There is so much more to share with this month’s Frequency Overview Report I am going to do it in two, (possibly three) installments. That being said, I will stop here for now, but before I go I want to list a few more days this month to mark on your calendar as significant.
The 2nd, 13th and 31st give us our first taste of The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round as an Expanded Group Collective Conscious Mind and a glimmer of what December 2013 holds in store.
The 22nd holds some fairly strong energies and the 25th holds a 5-77 Frequency combination, which will bring in a small preview of the energy of Adventurous Change into in how we communicate with Spirit, which will begin to play a large part in our Present Projected Time Frame Reality in 2014.
Enjoy working with the Frequencies of October 2013, and keep watching for the second installment of the October 2013 Monthly Frequency Overview Report.
In it I will share more on the The Sacred Act of Divine Cosmic Sex and The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine and the Conception of Multi-dimensionality. What it means for you individually in your daily life and how it affects our world as a whole. I will talk about the concept of Twin Flames and also share information and techniques you can use to assist in this work as we move into the Multi-dimensional Realms.
As a bonus, for the first time I will post charts of the Sacred Geometric forms of the Frequencies of October, before and after Conception and Balancing of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies.
Don’t miss the next installment of the October 2013 Monthly Frequency Overview Report.
Until then,
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha’ras
Thank You.....
Greetings FatherMotherGod,
I just wanted to say Thank You very much for posting my article. You do me honor....![heart heart](
I hope it is of assistance to All as we travel this journey together.