More Crop Circles Reported in June

Rain's picture


1,4 5 6

Mario's picture

Has realigne me back, realizations... sure enoughf others get moved by some of the crop circles, intrinsic feelings, pass events, in constant fields of conscious expansion. Clarity enfolds slowly, I woke up 30 mins ago and chaos running down my impossibility meter was surveilling, its tricky, all info imposed like this as oppositions to realignments surpasses, and trigger effects keep on rolling in till the next assimilation of info within the whole... Concept based is being challenged in one self as known attachments, I now see, global proportions a key to acceleration, ?? time is an attachment, thoughts, feelings? uncertainty, choiced by freewill... Planets are in effect, Info can and will connect one another, do they need to be in process? of assimilation goes universal, thank you

may peace be with you
