The Morning Blessing 01.10.13

MomT's picture

I have a "job" for every Morning Blessings recipient today. I have been told that humanity must learn the discipline of controlling their thoughts and feelings, as well as their focus of attention. This must be done in order for us to transform this sweet Earth and all her Life into the vision of perfection that is being held for us by many, many souls. Developing this skill is a critical factor in our process of Ascension.


When we perpetually turn our attention to the patterns of perfection that we desire to manifest in our lives and world, we magnetize the healing and peace of our Reality. Through this aspect of our own divinity, the Light of God flows into the material world and transforms conflicts and limitations into patterns of perfection, empowering them without limit, thus the appearance of imperfection disappears. And when this done systematically, day after day, we build a positive power within our consciousness that transcends the appearance of negativity or adversity of any kind.


So back to your job. At some place in your day you are to consciously teach (by example or words) this important concept. Since you are the Soul Sibling that already knows how to do this, it becomes your responsibility to teach your brothers and sisters. Perhaps you can bless someone in your world with the knowledge that they have the power to dwell upon what they want instead of what they don't want and that thoughts are more important and real than anything that surrounds them in the office.

What a gift that would be to someone!


And just think how many Guides and Angels will be jumping

for joy tomorrow night after we've all done this for at least one person. . .



The Breath of Life is the gift from the Creator of all life to the

life of all that is created.  Deeply inhaling this Life I center myself in the sacred Heart of God bringing forth a unique soul expression to flourish within every thought, every feeling, and every action of humanness.


I peacefully stand within the reality and wisdom of my own Divinity this day. I sense the sustaining power of the I AM Illumination that has the capacity to fulfill MY purpose here. The indescribable light of both Faith and Inner Knowing flashes the remembrance of the vows I took in the Heart of God before even this lifetime. This eternal light of Divinity expands in a rhythmic pulsation of adoration to the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent One of All That Is awakening 

and evolving my earthly mind and body. I am ready and the vessel is prepared to be embodied by this Mighty Presence. As I receive God's Divine Love, Power, Wisdom, Qualities and Attributes I become THE unified effort of God's glory in every situation at hand.


How great and miraculous it is to reflect the uplifting, healing, omni-present consciousness of All That Is. Gratefully, I radiate the Light of God into every positive vision, into every want and desire of manifestation. And so it is.


© 2013 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

