The Morning Blessing 03.14.13

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"As we come into proper alignment with the awesome Power within, our Higher Nature, we are carried above the laws of the third-dimensional plane. We become a channel for the dynamic radiation of Will, Love, and Creative Intelligence that is tenaciously seeking an outlet through consciousness to reveal the New Reality of Heaven on Earth.  But the personality must surrender the little i - that symbol of dualism with its sepaated head and body - so that the Master I may express in all Its power and glory. The goal of every student of Wisdom is to transform individual identity from the self who can do
nothing to the Self Who is doing everything NOW. Once that shift takes place, the old life of emptiness, illness, and lack is transformed into a new stage of being that experiences only fulfillment, wholeness and abundance...

You are a spiritual bing embodying all of the Power of the Universe within you. Will you not accept this Truth and start living as the Light of the world that ou are? The Dawn is approacing.. .it is time to awaken to your Inheritance. "

Empowerment - John Randolph Price



God is the Spirit of Infinite Life. The power and presence
of this existence is resident in every point in the Universe.
The magnificent splendor of this unfolding joyous expression
is my life and love now.
Within my daily rountine I remember to use the drawing power
of mind. Thoughts as a science are demonstrated abundantly
each day. The law of correspondence between spiriutal and
material things is wonderfully exact in its workings. So today,
I am the energy of the living Spirit of Truth. I release any
opinions or evaluations and righteous judgments. In all things,
there is a blessing, so I demand to see the sanctity clearly
revealed. My mind is clear, and I behold the radiant lovliness of
life as the ruling mood of my day.
Faith is nothing more or less than the operation of the thought
forces in the form of an earnest desire, coupled with the expectationas to its fulfillment. With thanksgiving I send out this prayer watered by firm expectation that when it returns I will love to be living it! And so it is.

©2013  Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website. WWW.ANGELAPEREGOFF.COM

