The Most Isolated Island on Earth Wants Your Help Designing A Self-Sustaining Town

Galactic Free Press's picture

There’s a small island in the middle of the atlantic ocean, completely desolate from everything except for lots of water. The Island, named Tristan da Cunha, was first inhabited back in the 1810′s as an outpost by the British to stop a potential escape by Napolean. When that didn’t happen and the military were called back, a few folk stayed behind to establish life on their beautiful desolate volcanic island.

So on Tristan da Cunha live a small community of about 270 people who love life so much that when their island volcano exploded in the 60′s, their evacuation to Europe only led them to understand that their personal and connected way of life was way more awesome, and came back to rebuild it. (Yeah, pretty much all of them too).

The name of their town? Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. (no joke.) 
