~I will be shifting up there is to be NO MORE delays.~
Beloved Children, I AM Gaia. Thank you for being here with me at this moste IMPORTANT TIME in the history of the Omniverse.
Many of you have awakened to the facts around you that not is all as you have been led to believe about the occurances and control being fed to all of you across the many Generations of LINEAR TIME that you have been experiencing in this dimensional reality.
Yet there are so many of you my dear children who are not aware, not aware of the pain, not aware of the poisons, toxins, radiations being let out upon me and so in turn upon you. This in short keeping you unaware, keeping you numb to my pain and each others pains. Whilst the greedy keep on manipulating, and waring upon my surface.
I implore you all to NOT allow this to continue. The power lies with each and everyone of you as my guardians and keepers who dwell here upon the surface. YOU AS A WHOLE have the power to rise up and seize control of the ones who would wish my deathe and yours. I love you all dearly beloved ones, I have cared for you, given you all that you have needed to survive here. Yet I am still being hurt, being slowly poisoned, changed. And this I will not allow any further. In accordance with the creators plans for ascension of myself back to the higher realms, I WILL be creating a mass purging of all the olde like so many of you who have gone through and still go through todaye.
I have laid in plans to restructure much of my surface, and this WILL be going aheade. There is no stopping my ascension. I am wearing thin in my patience with them who would try and gain further power and hold on. I am like so many of you weary of all the fight and pains. YES IT HURTS ME- I HURT like all of you.
I wish for only the peace of the HIGHER dimensions, and the healing that comes with being back up there in the love of all that is. DUALITY here will no longer exist, you have all done very well learning here.
Yet now is your finest hour to unite WITH ME as your home, and help stop all that is occuring here. The NUCLEAR POWER AND MISSILES MUST BE DEACTIVATED, so MUST THE STOPPING OF SPREADING POISONS IN MY ATMOSPHERE. You have been given alternative technologies that do not harm me- yet you still continue to try and take the oil under my plates. I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS either. IT MUST END! I need this for the movements of the plates, I need this for my own doings. IT IS NOT yours to take. I do not take your life force and blood. NOR would I expect you to take and use myne.
These are just some of the things that must end, and I WILL be ending this myself. NO More!
There are some of you who live in harmony with me and those of you I commend, you know who you are, for you feel me, and allow me to speak with you, you speak with the natural surroundings around you, and you are one with the animal kingdom, the surroundings and all life here.
Now beloved ones we are on the verge of ascension, and it is your choice to choose to leave me, or to stay and be love and one with fullest harmony and working for oneness with each other. I will be shifting up there is to be NO MORE delays.
I love you all and thankyou for being here with me. We are always united in heart and soul essence. I speak to you and you to me. TIME to WAKE UP beloveds for I AM here and I WILL be heard again.