Mother of Protection

MaAlaea's picture

(We are simply stirring things up to see who is who.   (Line from Benjamin Fulford - Reader Update - 10 April 2012)


There are 52 goddesses.... what do they do?

They create, they destroy, they see who is who....


What do you do... I mean, to see who is who?

Do you turn th'other way when one of'em "boo's!"?


Too many times in our many days past

We allowed all to be "is"

When is was Not at All


Cherish the day,

when illusion is Met

With a force, a stand,

Angel Michael's Protection


No mystery, I say... just beware of the nay,

It's been in our history, of just being nice.


But friends of ascension, there might be a price.


Make new, today... understand this new way,

Is not about judgment, but each mother knows

What to do when the blacker sky shows.


MaAlaea, Guardian




Quiet Protector

MaAlaea's picture

Blessings to You, Always, Dawn, the quiet Protector!


MaAlaea, Guardian


Stasha beLOVEd's picture

we know who we are ;)