At this moment upon and within planet earth there are many shifts taking place on ALL levels and in all dimensional timelines, as many of you are finding the shifting may be rapid and at times very intense. Following on from the blog that I wrote that outlined the AA Michael sword of TRUTH and LIGHT exercise this blog looks at the way to work with the next “phase” of your human life experience. For the movement may be swift but the energies leading up to this swift movement were heavy and dense. A bit like pushing open a heavy door, the momentum that you build is geared towards moving the heavy door, as the door begins to open the momentum may catapult you forward unexpectedly for you are braced for the heavy door, not necessarily for the shift and the movement of said door.
In the New Earth there is FLOW, there is not necessarily any heavy movement and many of you may have been expending huge amounts of energy and seeing (at a human conscious waking mind level) little movement physically in the outer waking life experience. This is now shifting, the miracles are now begin birthed physically into the outer waking human life experience. They may not appear in the guise that you were expecting and this must be worked with. A miracle is a miracle after all and cannot therefore be defined. Many of you at this time are still holding on to “expectation”, by this I mean you are trying to plan the next phase of your life, “when this happens then I will do this”, ”when I see this unfold then I can do this” etc. All of this is walk in the old 3d earth teachings for there is no planning as such in the New Earth, not in the definitions that you have been provided with by the old 3d earth reality. This is confusing at a logical human mind level and is holding many of you in deep patterns.
To LET GO is to relax and to go with the flow, it is about reacting and interacting with LIFE, not trying to create it and then reacting, this is how the old 3d earth reality TAUGHT you to live in order to contain and suppress your energy signature. Many of you at this time are still attempting to live life in the New Earth based on the unwritten “rules” of the old 3d earth reality. This is not TRUTH and is not supported, none of what you have been TAUGHT can be used to create within the New Earth. For many of you reading these words this may bring up huge confusion and invoke your human logical mind to try to solve a “puzzle” that it is attempting to teach you that I am placing before you. THERE IS NO PUZZLE, life is SIMPLE, it is to be experienced full stop.
There are no rules that state you must worry and that you must do “x” or “y”, indeed these unwritten rules are the manifestation of the frequencies of the old 3d earth reality. THERE ARE NO RULES as there IS NO PUZZLE. Many people come to me and state “yes I know BUT…..” then try to quantify what they are saying, defense of something shows that “something” is not TRUTH and that you are trying to hold on. If you were asked to give up everything in the next moment, would you? Do you TRUST SELF to this level?
Many of you would immediately go into fear and have a list in your logical mind of all you have been asked to give up. You would assume that I had asked you to walk out of jobs, leave relationships etc but what I have asked is “would you give up everything”, I have not defined “anything” and that is your clue. For that which you hold on to CONTAINS the very teachings that seek to hold ON TO YOU. These teachings are covered in depth in the TRUTH CODES – Chronicles from ORION book where every section of human life is looked at and the teachings and how they manifest are explained. It is to be noted that you cannot exist in two different VIBRATIONAL spaces at once. Within the karmic dimensional timelines you could exist in millions of different realities because they all COMPLIMENTED each other vibrationally. The New Earth is a different bandwidth, a different dimensional space than the old 3d earth created reality and as such you cannot have a foot in each, the difference is too vast and it is too confusing to the human vehicle.
Many are struggling with how to work with this and it is simply to let go. To stop interacting with the drama but becoming conscious of said drama, by questioning how you FEEL about things, do not be tempted to go into how you “think” for that takes you to the logical human mind which will then present you with a puzzle to solve. This human life experience is to be experienced, to experience you have to allow yourself to FEEL but you also need to be aware and ACKNOWLEDGE how you FEEL. How many of you actually accept how you FEEL at this moment? if you are feeling sad, do you admit this to yourself or do you try to “cheer ” yourself up, believing that you have no right to feel the way that you do?
The first step to working with FEELings is to FEEL them and then ACKNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPT how you FEEL. There are no rules on this planet that state the human life experience is one of happiness, there are no rules stating it is one of sadness but many people BELIEVE this to be true. Who sits in judgement of you at this moment? In TRUTH no one but the old 3d earth will try to teach you that others do and that others have a right to. This is not TRUTH. If you FEEL sad and unhappy then ACCEPT this, then allow yourself to FEEL this emotion, then you will begin to illuminate the teachings that are seeking to blind you, for in TRUTH ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.
Many are attempting to somehow “escape” their FEELings, believing that to get into the New Earth they need only hold “happiness” long enough and voila they somehow leapfrog all the pain and trauma and leave the “old” life behind. This is not TRUTH, your FEELings and emotions seek ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and ACCEPTANCE. Until this is done there is no moving or shifting them for they need release, you can only release something that you can see. If you have deep pain inside of you and you refuse to look at it then you are in TRUTH refusing to acknowledge and accept that you have this pain. Therefore it will remain HIDDEN to you and it will continue to influence and filter your outer waking life experience. I am not asking you to be in judgement, for that is no one’s place, ALL JUST IS. If at this moment your heart is aching, you are in emotional pain then seek refuge in your heart space, first of all acknowledge that you are in pain and accept that you are in pain. Then LOOK at the pain, call in AA Michael and Lady Faith and ask them to place the SWORD OF LIGHT and TRUTH through the pain. Then LET GO, for the old 3d earth reality will try to teach you to define SELF through this pain. The pain is NOT YOU, it is something you have experienced in your human life experience. It is also not the human life experience, it was experienced, it does not define unless you allow the teachings that teach that it does to run hidden within your human vehicle.
The old 3d earth created reality will at all moments try to teach you to place the responsibility for how you feel at the feet of those around you, this is not TRUTH. Other people cannot “make” you feel anything, that is a choice based on a frequency that you run within the human vehicle. Pain, trauma and suffering are frequencies that you are TAUGHT to anchor within the old 3d earth reality. Dissolving these will allow your vision to clear and your experience to move into expansion. This has NOTHING to do with anyone you share this planet with, for they are not YOU, only YOU are YOU.
ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE, let go and BREATHE.
Good advise
I read years ago that we should forget everything we know, because this is not the way it really is . Love and Light Sharen