Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:16 pm
Mr. Keshe, here I found the following:
1 - Financial system will be destroyed by the devices of € 20,000 for 3000 watts

2 - monopolies would be destroyed and their place will come another monopoly, which will pay annual fees of 350 euros

Mr. Keshe, you know that 75% of human beings on this planet live on $2 a day? And you think to improve their lives with instruments of € 20,000? So this is not serious.
I personally suspect that behind your big words lies a great thirst for power and money. Too bad that so many people will be disappointed.
I hope this is just your strategic move, not a destination.
If you are a philanthropist, I wish you success, but if you just play the game ............ watching the sky and his hand give everyone deserves! Exceptions will!
(The translation is automatic, are possible spelling errors)
This is an interesting point which has arisen several times on the forum in different forms in the past.
Let me explain to those who do not know, how we have been operating in different sectors of the Keshe Foundation, and then you will all understand better how the new universal order will work as I and the members of the Keshe Foundation have done in the past years.
Yes, the 3-4KW system will be 5000€ and the 10 KW will be 20,000€ and these prices will stay the same.
For example in comparison to the present 3KW solar cell systems at 19,500€ in Belgium and most European countries this price is very cheap.
With an additional difference, that the solar cells are a sunny warm day supply unit and the Keshe Foundation units are a 24 hours system.
Thus in reality in line with the time they supply, the prices of the Foundation’s power units should be about 30,000€.
Now, coming to the main point of the operation of the Keshe Foundation and method of payment for all our work and systems which we have supplied and will supply. Those who have used and are using our systems, be it for medical, space or energy purposes, can vouch for the use of the following methods for payment for our systems and technology.
I give you an example of how we have been running and charging for the health sector of the Foundation for years and we will carry on doing the same with all our other sectors too.
In the health sector, as all those who have been with us or volunteers can tell you, once we see a volunteer and we can ascertain that we can learn something from the process of reversal of their illness through the use of our systems, then at that point we give a financial figure to the volunteer for the process that they are going to use with us.
Note that the volunteers pay the Foundation to make systems for them and through it for us to learn from the process of reversal of their illness. This enables us to help others in the future and at the same time completes the development of the final space health unit.
Usually when we give a financial figure for the process to the volunteer, from this point on we do not involve ourselves whether the volunteer can or cannot afford to pay the Foundation for the systems which we are going to build for him or her for the process.
Therefore once the financial figure is put to the volunteer, then it is up to the volunteer’s self-truth response to the Foundation if he or she can or cannot afford to pay all or part of the figure for the process.
It is important to know, when we see the gap in our knowledge with the volunteer’s illness, at this point the process of development of the systems and their cost is fully considered irrespective of the volunteer’s financial position and we know that we might have to carry the full cost.
On the other hand, we are fully aware that in most cases the volunteers have been ill for years, and they do not have any financial means to pay and mostly live on state income.
Therefore often they simply tell us that they cannot afford the process, or they can pay very little, or even usually they say that they cannot afford to pay at all as they would have to cut into their food and energy consumption and so forth to pay for the process.
Then at this point, trusting the human responsibility for being correct to the gift of life, we offer and supply these processing systems free of charge to these volunteers, and we donate the system to them and their family for them to start a new life. In all cases the gift of life is accepted with open arms and we observe how we change people’s and their families’ lives in a positive way.
In some cases we spend more time and equipment on the donated systems in comparison to that of the paid units.
But as we work to change the fabric of society, usually as my family and some members of the Foundation who have worked with us can tell you, I work until 3 or 4 am in the morning to build these systems for the next day for these people who I have seen only once and who cannot even afford to pay for what I do for them and all this just to make their lives comfortable.
For me the reason for working like this is simple:
All my life I have believed in and lived with one thought and ethos in my mind, and that is when faced with a request from a man who asks me for help to release him from his pain or suffering, I go back to the writings in the holy scripts, “do not refuse the request of the man who is in front of you as his face is my face and in refusing him it is as if you have refused me”.
Thus every man’s life and face to me is precious and I do not sleep much so that I can help those who I shall not even be seeing again once they start a new life after the processing of their illness is completed.
In the last year, the Keshe Foundation through its signed contracts has donated approximately over 1,000,000€ of processing systems and technology to those who could not afford to pay, but they came to us for help to our health section knowing their financial position and we did not let them down and did not compromise our ethos of work.
We never check their financial background and when we observe the abuse of trust we hold our peace, as we know their betrayal will come back to play the reverse to them in future in their life and they will pay to society more for their dishonesty.
Now the same principle applies for the power supply units; those who can pay voluntarily have paid and will pay to reserve their systems.
The same as in our heath sector, those who cannot pay and in explaining their position have asked the Foundation for a system have received the guarantee that the Keshe Foundation will supply them with free units without any pre-conditions.
Now the question is, what is going to be done when millions try to get these systems and can we afford to supply all citizens of all nations as in Africa with free units?
The answer is yes.
We will put our program to the governments and in turn they will advise us how they see this should be done so that with a supply of power through the Keshe Foundation program the social structure and finances of your nation will stay intact, as tax revenues from energy for the house, the cars and so forth pays for some of the services you receive, it does not matter how meagre or little these services are.
Thus if you have an income of 300€ per month and nowadays you pay 30€ per month for electricity, from now on most probably you will still pay something for your energy consumption with the use of the Foundation’s technologies by your governments. But with the difference that your government does not need to spend billions of euros to build and run power stations and every year spend billions of euros to buy fuel from abroad to run power generators for you to have one or two hours of electricity every day as in most African countries, which I know well as I used to run businesses in that continent for years.
From now on your meagre payments which you will pay voluntarily to your government for the energy you produce from our systems and our technology become assets for your nation and will pay for more services, for your child’s school upbringing, your old mother’s care or looking after your pregnant wife.
From now on you have to become honest with yourselves and put forward your services for what you get free from us for your nation and fellow men.
From now on people will not avoid taxes, but pay them with pleasure to support the human race. If you do not do so, as we have seen in the recent past and present, the European nations have found themselves in the present crisis through tax avoidance with suffering among a large number of their citizens, suffering they have brought to themselves and their nation, and these people are so feeble that they blame their government but not their own misconduct of stealing through tax avoidance.
From now on, all will have what they need to live a pleasurable life and to not be scared of water and electricity bills, but all will contribute to society too.
No child in Africa needs to study in candlelight in the 21st century. From now on, villages in Africa will be lit the same as the streets in Tehran and Los Angeles to protect and give pleasure to the life of the receivers of the light.
Those who get $2 US per day or less will receive the energy systems free and in turn by improving their lifestyles, in the future they will contribute to the growth of their nation and society in the same manner.
Point 2
In and for space exploration of the future which we plan to start by 2014, we will not pay people to live a comfortable life in our craft, but we will provide all their needs and in turn they will serve their fellow travellers with their efforts and know-how to meet the needs of their fellow men.
In space rials, euros and dollars will have no value beyond the limits of this earth and beyond the small mind of human intelligence.
We have set the example with our health, space and energy financing procedure up to now, and the rest of society will follow.
In the space technology sector of the Keshe Foundation we will be carrying on with the same method of payment for our work.
Payment for space travel will be the same and the same principle will apply to the user of the space technology as currently with our health sector. This may be for governments, as we have done with the Iranian government, where we gave and transferred our technology free of charge to them, and the same will be to all so-called third world nations of the present time.
The same as we are doing in the near future with individuals, we are giving our know-how and technology free of charge to you for you to develop your own systems to open the spans of the universe for your nations.
We will not be taking only the rich and elite to space just because they can pay. The poor peasant farmer in Africa who would like to go to space and cannot afford it will not be refused, as he can be the forefather of the leaders of space colonies of the future for man.
As we have seen the same with the present leader of the US His Excellency President Obama, with his family still being in Africa and him being the president of the nation in America.
This process of man’s freedom to progress irrespective of place of birth will repeat itself again and again, until man matures enough to understand that prejudice about the colour of skin is nothing but the shortcoming of the brain of the observer of the colour, as the creator comes in all colours and shapes in the spans of the universe.
We in the Keshe Foundation have always said that we are blind to all the shortcomings of man that depend on colour of skin, on the way of man’s apprising of his creator or the way he monitors the conduct of his society through political affiliations.
I am not a dreamer, but a man with 20 years of international business experience at the highest levels of social structure and I have worked and operated businesses on three continents.
I have seen and been inside the structure and worked within the structure to make sure this time around every man will possess what he needs to the point of comfort and not to the point of greed.
Thus please note one point and do not try to be clever to deceive yourselves by opposing your society to justify your childish lives. Trust in your belief of working for the betterment of society and not the benefit of your meagre lives, be here to serve all and not complain that all do not serve you and justify this by the betrayal of yourself, your family, your nation and human society.
At this point, let me explain one important point to all of our readers, which will bring the biggest change in the life of every man and will change the fabric of every society and nation from now on.
As you all remember on this forum we have announced in the past months that we have achieved a fundamental breakthrough in the world of science through the development of a new technology.
Through this new technology which is to be released worldwide in the near future, we have made sure that no government can block the supply of energy to any nation or any individual, no matter where you live on earth, as we will supply power through our plasma technology reactors from outside the boundary of this planet direct to every point of need on earth.
The point of change is that we are in possession of the knowledge and power supply technology that works the same as the communication satellites.
In the coming months we will test the first satellite power supply system, which will allow the use of systems that will not be ground based systems, but atmospheric power systems.
These systems had to be developed by the Foundation as part of our SSP program and this has created this opportunity and we have developed this technology over the past twelve months and we again thank the research office of His Excellency the President of Iran for providing the seeds for such development four years ago.
The space power satellites (SPS) are and will be the cornerstone of the new power generation systems for earth and deep space travels. As at present we use matter to create plasma, from now on we use plasma to create matter, and at the same time it is easier to absorb the plasma of the light directly from the star of the solar system rather than allowing the plasma to become matter and then to convert it back to plasma to release its magnetic fields.
In truth the time of cabling and large generators for production of energy by burning fuel of different kinds has come to an end.
From now on there is no cost for producing energy to any nation, but by simply using the new knowledge we can release enough fields so that manmade systems and the human body receive the correct amount of fields according to their need at the point of need for energy and food.
The advantage with these SPS systems is that they can be used immediately as the non-tangible computer communication satellites for the present SSP program of the Foundation.
In these new systems one uses the different magnetic fields of the plasma of the ray of light for communication, which needs no binary technology and no physicality of hardware of a computer.
The present satellite and computer systems limit the speed of communication to below the speed of light and now with SSP systems there is a need for us to be able to operate above the speed of light.
This technology is already fully described in our patents and it is nothing new, but now we have managed to develop it fully in a new direction through the new understanding of plasma technology.
The magnetic fields of transition and principal strength can be used in space communication for deep space, with no time delay in the response.
Prototypes for these systems for space are at this moment being tested and we soon will report the full findings of the Foundation.
Thus from now on there is no need for earth resources for energy and complicated power generation and electronic systems.
In fact, the human neuro-system works in a similar way, but the world of science has never realized this. We have been trying this new technology in our health section for over two years, to confirm the correctness of the principle and the use of this technology in the space program of the Keshe Foundation.
We have proved this to be the real method of creation of energy and information transfer in the universe and hence a new parallel method of communication and power transfer has been developed.
All we have done now is that we have developed a similar system that can meet the needs of man’s energy and communication on earth and in space.
20 years ago telephones and computers were landline dependent, and now everyone carries a mobile phone and hardly anyone needs a landline telephone. We have seen suddenly the smallest villages in Africa and Australia have joined the world communication network out of nowhere and in a short time.
We now have reached the same breakthrough technology for energy and soon there will be no need for power supply through the solar system, power station and land power cables, as the supply will be in the system that you need the energy for and this will be feely available to it from the boundary of earth’s atmosphere.
We might be ready to show the full power of this technology very soon in one of our international presentations.
Maybe now some will understand the fundamental shift in man’s daily life through the new breakthrough working technology of the Keshe Foundation, as we announced under the title of ‘I KNOW NOT MUCH’.
Welcome to the real world of space, energy and health and I hope you do not complain about 350€ as an income, as you have more time to serve than complain that you had no time as you were enjoying yourself too much with the freedom you received through the use of the new technology from us.
Point 4
Choosing the members of the board of directors of the Keshe Foundation. We have received numbers of communications about giving the technology to governments and after my passing jointly to the UN and UHJ (Universal House of Justice).
Let me explain this point very carefully so that we all understand who is going to run the Foundation’s affairs soon. It will be a just council and it will represent all the governments of all regions under the banner of the UN as one member of the three member world council.
Then the UHJ as the second council member to represent all religions and beliefs and the third member of the world council who will be chosen through the UHJ by all the religious leaders as a shortlist of eight eminent world scientists, and then one from this list is to be chosen by the UN as the third member of the world council.
In this manner the future of the conduct of earth will be chosen in balance by all three important sections of its society, this being religious, political and scientific.
Thus the human race stands a better chance to make decisions in harmony and with full evidence of truth in physicality by scientific representation in the council, in conjunction with correctness of attitude and approach through all religions of the earth, and implementing the decision in consultation through the UN political arm of the council.
This universally elected three member board of directors of the Keshe Foundation will operate as the earth peace council in the future, for improvement of the life of human society on earth and beyond.
No nation will have an individual say and no collection of nations or group can hijack peace on earth for their clandestine activities, as we have observed with the present operation of the UN and some religious organizations for their own private benefit in present and past life on this planet.
Therefore we have not given anything to anybody, but we have put the real structure of working as a harmonious earth society for all through this world peace council (WPC).
We hope the human race will find peace and a new way of conduct and communication in a peaceful manner with itself and with the universal community in the near future.
M T Keshe
Eureka!! Let's all hold this
Let's all hold this project in our hearts in the purest light, it resonates with me.... I feel very optomistic about the future when I read his words, that said I'm not sure I fully understand the entire content but appreciate its tone and authenticity.
Pardon me
but I am not a scientist type, I am a humanitarian. I do not understand here many things. Maybe somebody could explain the essence of this technology, how it can be connected with healing, water and electricity supply, materializing food and otner things and all in one pack?
You can find his explanation
You can find his explanation in this video
It's easy
Please understand that everything in the Universe is ENERGY, in different states of vibration, through the Collective Consciousness of the Oneness.
It's just a matter of appling the right magnetics in the field, to have anything you need.
The most powerful energy is the Creation Energy - the benevolent omnipresent CUANTUM ENERGY that could be activated only by the Divine Consciosness that we ALL have, as Star Seeds (fractalization of SOURCE). That we will better understand and use after Ascension.
Eyes Wide Open on this guy...there is a lot to study up on. There is already many excellant devices under the heading: "Overunity." search: Overunity-dot-com forums. these eggeheads demand proof. I have no idea why the aero-fairie community picked up on just this one guy. Have we abandoned Proof and go on just Faith? Search youtube for John Bedini and then fan out from there. Magnetics. Don'tput all your eggeheads in one basket. September 27th Keshe is supposed to show off stuff although his group has already missed some dates.
Actually so far it appears to
Actually so far it appears to be a Foundation that gives answers. All we find we post so to help anyone to feel for themselves as we never gave only "one" information as you can see by looking in our archives we tend to post what seems to have a potential to unfold, as we did with Rossi's Cold Fusion device that was just presented at Zürich this past week-end. Even if this potential is simply in raising Human Collective Consiousness above the actual state of sleepiness, all are welcome.
Our Mission is to help in the wake up process, not to prefer one over another one as we see all as equal.
As MT Keshe sais that what they do is awailable for anyone to see, if you hold information that proves him wrong we would be more than open to share it and to question him directly.
Thanks for the information you gave, we'll have a look into it.
Mr. Keshe
Mr. Keshe resonates with me fully. I have no doubt that he knows what he is talking about, what he has invented. Loved his quote from the Koran? Have to read that book. What I don't understand is how he was able to get around the cabal with all the things he has developed. Sure would love to work with him. In time maybe I get that chance. I will need some education.
I am glad to communicate that
I am glad to communicate that the crazy cabal who used to control the world has lost the battle against the freedom of the people by losing 2 of their underground cities. Yes, you have read correctly. More info here:
Wow Please B TRUE
Free energy? Send me one of those please. How much in American Dollars? How do I get one? Will it heal PAD? Can you get a discounted rate if your disabled? We could actually finally have World Peace. My heart is so excited and overjoyed to just the tought of what this could mean for humanity and our planet. Please let this be true lord please!!!!