Mud volcano erupts in Azerbaijan- Colombian volcano awakening after 86 years

Rain's picture
Source: The Extinction Protocol

September 20, 2012 – AZERBAIJAN - Baku. Kamala Guliyeva – The Lokbatan mud volcano erupted in the morning has weakened, Executive of Mud Volcanism Department under the Geology Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Arif Huseynov told APA. Huseynov said that the eruption process is being studied.

The volcano accompanied by a rumble at 05.00 spew flames at 09.00: “According to the preliminary observations, the eruption was powerful and mud spread across the area of more than 2 ha. The exact information will be announced after the measurements. But this eruption was more powerful than the eruption in 2010. At that time, the mud covered about 2 ha area.” Husyenov says that no flame is being observed in the area: “The volcano has already weakened. It is not likely to flame again, as it’s weakened.”

The Lokbatan mud volcano is the most active volcano in Azerbaijan and in the world. Last time the volcano erupted in 2010. This is the 24th eruption of the volcano. Fortunately there aren’t any houses in the area, but there are oil wells. -APA


COLOMBIA - Seismic unrest has been increasing at the Cumbal volcano. 2 earthquake swarms occurred on 23 and 26 August, with 115 and 94 quakes, respectively. White gas emissions from the El Verde fumarole could be observed on 24 August. INGEOMINAS maintains yellow alert for the volcano.


A small weak earthquake swarm was recorded early on 30 August. Weak seismic unrest continued over September 10. The last eruption of the volcano occurred in 1926. –Volcano Discovery
