Is Music Slowly Disclosing The Truth of New Energy?

earthrise1234's picture



       The group ERB (Epic Rap Battles of History) has released a video on March 11th, 2013. This group recieves millions of views per a video they release. The record views on their top video is edging at 59 million views. A populare youtube group now all out of the blue release a rap video about Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison. They explain in the video about Nikola Tesla and how he got shut out because of a banker and Thomas Edison.

       The energies is getter so grand, people are changing. If they are aware of this or not, it's happening. This truth brings us one step closer to the true reality!








Nageetah IsRaeL arit NZinga's picture

HAHAHAAA!!!   I LOVE IT!!!!  Hopefully more TRUTHFUL videos will be made.


Love I AM NaGee

Agreed!! hahaha

Mario's picture

its nice to let the public get views of how things hapend in the past