MUSINGS OF AN AWAKENING MINISTER ~“Everything is simply different.”

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Posted on December 23, 2012 by Nancy B. Detweiler



 Man on beach


What a fantastic last few days!

Everything is simply different, and there is no denying it inside myself.

We spent Dec. 21 with awakened friends, and we observed all of the pivotal time-points.  We ate and celebrated.  That was actually the mood.

One of the women read angel cards.  The messages all resonated in each of us.  The feeling of oneness and love pervaded the room.

What is fascinating is that we have all only known each other for weeks, but the “camaraderie” of knowing we are family is unmistakable.

What I have noticed in me is this complete shift in perception.  There simply is no returning to an old way of thinking and being.  I sensed in my heart of hearts on the 21st that THIS indeed was the norm of the day.

Everything is now re-evaluated and re-considered in a New Light.  I find this process—and it is indeed a process—so fascinating that every single moment, thought, and experience is an adventure.

My “mind” is asking questions and thinking ideas it simply could not before.

Even this morning, as I prepare to be at the churches, I find myself interested in what is going to be.

I know one thing:  seeing all in Light and Love, as they are, IS the perception that IS reality.

Knowing that all necessary energy is there assisting is comforting.  Also, knowing that Ascension is no different than the 12-Step moniker “Keep it simple” … “One step at a time” … and “Easy Does it” … breaks the entire process into the bottom-line of “Be patient.

It WILL happen.”  There is no reason to stress.  We will all arrive simply because we already HAVE!

It is this powerful acknowledgement that begins the forward motion of the process!
