My Journey

MomT's picture

I can only go by what is happening to me.  The feelings expressed here are my own personal experiences.  In December we all experienced the ascension of Gaia whether we were aware of it or not.  The journey up to that time brought a lot of new awarenesses to me, a lot of clearing and letting go.  In the letting go of the old, something new came in.  That new is a better, truer relationship and understanding of the real me, not all the identities that I have picked up over my lifetime.

I have found it very tough to really look at me and then forgive myself and truly begin to love the divinity in me.  This journey is far from over and each time there is a new experience of releasing, I am one step closer to the real me, a loving, kind, compassionate being.  I am a quiet person, an observer, and a loner or was a year ago, a few months ago.  I had very low self esteem and unworthiness.  I worked in a field that is male dominant and had learned to stuff the emotions deep inside of me.  I allowed others to take my power.  By all rights I was successful in the world, but not happy.  I longed to be at peace.  I saw a perfect example of what you can feel like and be in MotherGod so I knew it was possible to attain. 

The spiritual aspect of me came into my life at a young age but was pushed aside to fit into the world.  It was rekindled again while taking a class on connecting with your spirit.  That was over 2 years ago and helped me realize that I am empathic which was a curse in a world of emotions.  I am not the only one on this planet who is empathic, all are and probably do not know it.  During that class, I realized that being empathic could also be a blessing.  The blessing was that I could feel again.

The ego or the false me fought so hard to survive.  Life started to fall apart as I had lived for over 60 years.  Everything or it seemed everything was being torn apart.  Fortunately, I found Galactic Free Press at the right now.  There are no coincidences as I realize now.  Working with others has never been easy for me.  Had to do it all myself.  Folks, we do have to do our own work on ourselves, but sometimes we need a cheerleader or friend to help us keep moving one foot in front of the other.  This last year has been difficult, fun, emotional and a huge growing process for me.  I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.  There is probably more to release, cleanse and fill with love.  My favorite saying is I am a work in progress and it is true.  It has taken almost 70 years in this lifetime to be one step closer to being in bliss all the time.  I experience it enough now to realize the times when I am not and recognize that there is more to release.  Each release means I am that much closer but I see that heaven is attainable right here right now.

It has not been fun looking at the dark side of me, not the true me, but what I had become.  That has faded away so much now that it seems like it never really occurred.  The journey has had a lot of big mountains to move, but now I can see and feel and touch the sacred spot in me, the vision of the top of the mountain.  The picture above is the not quite the vision I hold but it is close.  My mountain is purple with gold at the very top of it with flowers and trees and animals.  The sky above it is filled with beautiful clouds and all the colors of the rainbow.  The sun is bright, loving and warm. 

I have had so much help and now have learned to call on them constantly.  I call AA Michael and now AA Raphael as well as all the angels that we have been given, both human, celestial, elemental and animal.  They have been there all along, I just forgot to ask.  I am not sure what will be next for me, but it certainly will be more joy and love.  I have come far enough now to realize that going back would be the wrong move.  My natural gifts that were suppressed are coming back and that is wonderful.  I speak up for myself now, I give, but also am not a door mat.  I allow my self to feel because feeling is the way to know what bliss and unconditional love is. 

I would love to have everyone experience bliss, love, peace, true oneness with all of life.  That would be wonderful for the planet, humanity and themselves, but I also realize that they have a choice to choose different than I have.

Nameste, MomT



mthree's picture

Thank you for sharing you! Love you so...

Love, Light & Laughter, Michelle

My journey...

cindyloucbp's picture

Thank You, MomT! A beautiful statement about how you are learn(ing) the art of self-reflection with peace and JOY! Each of us have our own studies to do learning and BEcoming whom we areally are. You are gracious to share with us...

Love and Light...Cindyloucbp