~Galactic Love Reporter RC~
~My Light and Love Goes Out To All Who Serve in the Military and Law Enforcement On Planet Earth~
~Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ We did not have a link the exact video that he is speaking of.~ We felt it was none the less a Beautiful Message~ We are Proud of those Officers and Military who are choosing their Family over the elite. Brilliant Sign, Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff~
This is RC, and I share my Light and Love with all who exist.
I just saw this video, and I knew that in these demonstrations have been happening throughout the US, and planet earth and many have been extremely violent, and this has been happening in the US, a place, where we have our rights and this is why I stopped watching television since two months ago, and now occasionally watch videos like the one below.
Understand, in all of your hearts, that we all have to stop violating each other’s rights. Know that you are loved for who you are, we do not love you for what you wear, and what gun you hold, and for that I ask that all take off arms, and join the peaceful demonstrations, for you are part of the Light, and we need to stop being violent with one another. Radiate your Light, and lets transform one self and live together as one human consciousness in peace biosphere known as Earth. Groups of Light human beings, peacefully, playing their part in their individual and collective ascension/awakening process, and we encourage all military and law enforcement personnel, who feel in their hearts, the changes that is occurring here on planet earth, to join the campaign of uniting humanity as one consciousness.
I know in my heart, that many Light Human Beings who work in these occupations will take off their uniforms, stop carrying out orders, and cease firing various weapons, and join the momentum of ascension that all of us, individually, and collectively are experiencing now.
May Oneness Bless Us All, As One.
David Icke has a similar message, more direct, fearless, and loving message J. Below.