~My Personal 11.11.11 "Ascension" Report~
~Love Reporter Ute Posegga~Rudel~
Dear friends and readers of my blog,
I thought it would be encouraging for others to know that the magnificent 11.11.11 ascension activation - as foretold by many of our Galactic friends and channelers - is actually happening. Therefore I am reporting my own experience to give testimony of this event.
I thought it would be encouraging for others to know that the magnificent 11.11.11 ascension activation - as foretold by many of our Galactic friends and channelers - is actually happening. Therefore I am reporting my own experience to give testimony of this event.
With no doubt- the energies today are extremely powerful. Living in Australia the 11.11 at 11:11 (o'clock) has already passed, and is wandering with the sun from my perspective towards the West so that we will have for another somewhat 20 hours a global 11.11 @ 11:11.
The process started for me actually already the day before yesterday. After I have been drawn to a so beautiful and brilliant Light far above my head, I felt, after my return, that I have been marked on my forehead, like: "she is ready to be a participant in the ascension process", of course meaning a growing responsibility for serving humanity thereafter. But, girls and boys, this is joy! And not a Reptilian kind of slavery!
Yesterday I felt like ‘sitting’ constantly with my Arcturian family, with signs in my body of being extremely brightened and expanded by light.
The process today began with a sensation of codes being downloaded into my body. I sat in mediation from very early in the morning and experienced to be drawn into highest frequencies high above my head, appearing to me in brilliant white light. No colours or “places”. At the 11:11 mark I had a peak experience as if I have been drawn through a “hole”, not a black hole, but a white hole :) of extreme ecstasy and brilliance, but really not to describe. (I know it was at this time as I looked several minutes later at my watch, as I spontaneously opened my eyes.) There was also a unique and characteristic smell which we do not have in the 3th dimension, and I remembered, ahh, that’s how high frequencies or higher dimensions can smell, because they were not just a vision but I felt them in and all over my body, so that that body was vibrating very high and felt flooded with light. This was very tangible.
At the same time I had several insights, such as: we create the dimensional “places”, because “mere” frequencies are not “enough” for us, we want something more to experience. I guess, in my case there were no “places” I went to, because I am a simple person, who is satisfied with the feeling of bliss and love, and don’t need “places”.
Another experience was the work, together with Mother Earth. Since a while I had already felt the unity with her and literal non-separation from her, in my body. So the work “together” with her was to rise her energies, but better to say, not Her’s, but the frequencies She carries with her and which are those, humanity has created over the last Thousands of years (for whatever reason!). The work was to rise these rather heavy frequencies up to the heart. There they stood for a while, being stuck. And with the rays of Love and Compassion, suddenly emerging in the heart space, brilliant Light above the head ignited with Joy, and in the blink of an eye all heavy frequencies were raised up to above into the Light of the Heavens, to use this kind of image, to make it easier to understand.
So, this was great, as it means that Mother Earth has actually risen now forever above her former density and something has been taken from her.
Another experience was the meeting with other “co-workers” in this ascension process, with those who are here to assist Mother Earth and Humanity in their process. It was clear that we could not share together a “certain place” were we would work together as a joined force.
Rather it seemed to be appropriate that each one of us would work from the “place” that was the one they have chosen to be, and that our joined force is the One of the Heart, that One Place of Unity, where we truly all melt, and melt with all humanity, regardless of the dimension in which they are existing.
From there it was clearer than ever to me, that true ascension is Unity at the heart with all existence, and that 'dimensions’ are frequencies and ultimately illusions in that Truth of Unity.
While these experiences were all part of the “ascension” process, this changed in my case after 11:11 (o’clock). Because what came then was the "descension" process. In other words, to bring all that energy and all these frequencies down into the body. It started in my case with a very strange sensation of the head, as if it was not “my” head anymore, but was an “other worldy” head, which was sitting on my otherwise familiar human body. This head – was it a new head? :) - felt like being now of a different consistency and I have no idea what it means, and if it has perhaps something to do with the new crystalline structure.
While the Ascending process was in the first place definitely happening in the Arcturian Light-Energy, the descending process happened with the Andromedan Energy and Consciousness which pressed heavily down into my body and deep into Mother Earth. The Andromedan Energy is pretty much different to the Arcturian one, it is very much expanded and full and of highest vibration, so that the body needs some time of assimilation to recognize it as “light”. This was for me a most profound grounding of my Andromedan family conscious light into my body in an intensity which has not been possible for me before. During this descending process I also very shortly “visited” on my way my other cosmic homes, one on Sirius A with the beautiful and loving Lion Beings and the other with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.
Looking back it feels as if 'something’ of ‘me’ has left and stays there, high above in this light of brilliance at the peak of my ascension process, and I am wondering whether “I” am gone and somebody else is now sitting here. :). But who knows! This whole Divine Play is very astounding and there is definitely a joyful and humorous game going on, The Great One Amusing Him-Her-Self outrageously!
So far my 11.11 experience, and I encourage everyone, to report and share their own experience here with others. [@ radiantlyhappy Blog]
Now, having written this down, I go back to meditation to see what’s next.
This is an exiting journey.
Much love to you all,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.
Dearest RadiantlyHappy...I am
Dearest RadiantlyHappy...I am so very thankful and happy as well....Thank you for sharing your experience...Energy levels for the 11-11-11 event were so very high...I couldn't sleep until past 4 am... As I was sitting in my living room, I noticed a bright white light on my right side...Made me smile...I knew I was being helped through this process of assension...I can't as vividly retell my experience, but, I felt and knew a great love happening all through the day..I feel much lighter..happier then I have been for awhile. Much love to you and all...I'm thankful always...I love living in the brilliant light of this new day and era...We are truly blessed... <3 :) Doreen
Dearest Doreen, thank you so
Dearest Doreen, thank you so much for sharing! It is so encouraging for all of us to know that other beautiful souls like you, truly participated fully and with their whole being in this most wonderful blessed day! This makes me very very joyful as it proves that we are together in this and that the world IS changing! Lots of love, Ute
P.S. I only found by chance that this article of mine was published here! So please, in case you feel moved in the future to communicate, please do so on my website. Thank you so much!